Environmental Science
Students interested in environmental science are often looking for a grander view of the world. An interest in the natural world, its preservation, and its improvement is a guiding force for environmental science students.
Designed to integrate applied scientific specialties within the broad field of environmental science, the environmental science curricula prepare students for a variety of professional opportunities in government as well as the private sector, and for graduate study in such fields as toxic substance management, public health, toxicology, pharmacology, industrial hygiene and environmental planning.
Graduates of the program should be able to identify and evaluate a broad range of environmental problems. In addition, they should be able to offer solutions, anticipate hazards and prevent future problems. Studies include such areas as health in the work place, toxic substance regulations, applied ecology, pollution prevention, air resources, water resources and public environmental policy.
David Szlag
207 Mathematics and Science Center
(248) 370-4064
[email protected]
Program OverviewMajor RequirementsMinor RequirementsConcentration Requirements
Based upon an extensive curriculum planning study, this option combines environmental and occupational health perspectives in scientific and technical courses designed to provide pre-professional training for careers relating human health and safety factors to working conditions. Students learn to recognize, evaluate and control actual and potential environmental hazards.
This option emphasizes the wise use of resources, especially as they affect human health and well-being. Program electives offer training for a variety of field and laboratory opportunities including planning, resource management, environmental protection and public policy.
A year or more of work experience within the environmental field is extremely helpful to round out an Environmental Health degree. Some practical or field experience such as an internship, a co-op, volunteer work, or part-time work in a chosen field or specialization greatly adds opportunities that allows a student to gain experience and develop connections in the professional area.
The environmental health major prepares students for a variety of professional opportunities in government as well as the private sector, including: city and county health agencies environmental departments, federal agencies, insurance companies, chemical and manufacturing industries, consulting firms, health care institutions, water supply and treatment facilities.
Graduate study in the environmental health major opens even more opportunities such as toxic substance management, public health, toxicology, industrial hygiene, environmental planning, pharmacology, wildlife science, public administration, environmental toxicology, and environmental law. Following is a list of professions that can be achieved by completing a B.S. degree in Environmental Health.
- Biochemist
- Botanist
- Developmental biologist
- Ecologist
- Environmental chemist
- EPA officer
- Forestry technician
- Geneticist
- Hazardous material specialist
- Marine biologist
- Risk assessment specialist
- Wildlife manager
- Biologist
- Biophysicist
- Conservationist (soil, fish)
- Environmental/sanitary engineer
- Forest ranger/forester
- Geochemist
- Landscape architect
- Physiologist
- Surveyor
- Systematist/taxonomist
- Waste management engineer
- Zoologist
Department of Chemistry
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321