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Amanda Stearns-Pfeiffer

Headshot - Amanda Stearns-Pfeiffer

Ph.D. Western Michigan University, 2012

Areas of Study:
English Education, Young Adult Literature, Teacher Education, Student-Teacher Development, Teacher Professional Development, State Standards Implementation

Selected Publications
“Refuge for Teachers (and Learners) in a Turbulent Public Education Landscape.” With Kristin   Sovis.  New Jersey English Journal. 2021. (refereed) 

“Not Just for Novices: The Programmatic Impact of Practice-Based Teacher Education.” With Anthony Tuf Francis, Mark Olson, and Paul Weinburg. Action in Teacher Education. Spring 2018. (refereed) 

“Practice-Based Instruction in English Teacher Education: Teaching Novice Teachers to Lead Class Discussions.” Wisconsin English Journal. Fall 2017. (refereed) 

“All the Ways to Read an Orange: Critical Theory as a Bridge Toward Social Justice.” With Kristin Sovis. Connections. Fall 2017. (refereed)

“Cultivating Inquiry in Teacher Candidates.” Florida English Journal. Vol. 52, Iss 1 (2017). (refereed)

“The Authentic Making (and Assessing) of Successful Teacher Candidates.” With Kristin Sovis. Language Arts Journal of Michigan. Fall 2015. (refereed) 

“One Educator, Four Perspectives: Where the Standards Have Taken Us in English Education Within the United States.” English Teaching: Practice & Critique. Vol. 14, Iss 3 (2015). (refereed) 

“Rewriting the Narrative of Teacher Education Through Collaboration.” With Kristin Sovis. English Leadership Quarterly. April 2015. (refereed) 

“Technology, the Common Core State Standards, and School Budgets: A RecipeFor Necessary

Innovation.” *The Next Digital Scholar: A Fresh Approach to the Common Core Standards in Research and Writing. *July 2014.

“Interpretive Freedom and the CCSS.” *Language Arts Journal of Michigan.* Winter 2013.

“Using Standards as an Opportunity for Teacher Reflection.” *Language Arts Journal of Michigan.* Fall 2011.

“Building a Community for Migrant Education Services through Family Literacy and Farm Worker Outreach.” *The Tapestry Journal.* 1.1 (2009): 30-39.

“Deconstructing Instructor Comments on Conventions.” *Writing Beyond the Rules.* Ed. Joyce Walker. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil, 2009. 97-101.