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Annie Sullivan

Headshot - Annie Sullivan

127 O'Dowd Hall
Assistant Professor and Academic Adviser of Film Studies and Production

Annie Laurie Sullivan (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Film Studies in the Department of English at Oakland University. Her work examines the complex ways in which race, cultural identity, and locality intersect with histories of media production. She has presented her work at a variety of academic conferences as well as community settings. She is currently completing a book that traces histories of Black broadcasting and community film production alongside broader processes of urban development and social change in Detroit during the second half of the 20th Century. In this project and beyond, Dr. Sullivan works to showcase how community media serve as records of quotidian resistance and integral components of civic infrastructure. With Lauren Herold, she is also co-editing a forthcoming book entitled Local TV: Communities, Histories, Aesthetics for the Peabody Series at the University of Georgia Press. 

PhD - Screen Cultures, Northwestern University
MA - Cinema & Comparative Literature, University of Iowa
BA - Screen Arts and Cultures, Spanish, University of Michigan

Areas of study

  • Urban media studies
  • Local media production
  • Non-theatrical and documentary films
  • Film, radio, and television history
  • Race and representation
  • Postcolonial cinemas
  • Detroit history

Selected Courses

  • FLM 1150: Introduction to Film
  • FLM 2100: Film and Formal Analysis
  • FLM 2150: Methods of Screen Criticism
  • FLM 3220: History of Film: The New Wave & Beyond
  • FLM 3320: Black American Film History
  • FLM 3904: Black Women Filmmakers
  • FLM 3901: Horror Cinema
  • CIN 4900: Detroit Media


“Who Controls the Media: The Racial Politics of Local Television: Negotiating Public Interests and the Black Freedom Struggle” The Routledge Companion to Media and the City. Eds. Germaine Halegoua, Erica Stein, & Brendan Kredell. (Routledge, Press, July 2022), pp. pp. 317-328.

Sullivan, Annie Laurie. “WGPR-TV Detroit: Building Black Media Infrastructure in the Post-Rebellion City” The Velvet Light Trap 83 (Spring 2019): 32-45.