Courses in the Department of Linguistics cover a range of topics from broad introductory courses to the core areas of modern linguistics to specialized courses in speech language pathology and language instruction.
The following list indicates the frequency with which our regular courses are taught. LIN and ALS courses which are in the course catalog but which do not appear below are taught on a less regular basis as the need and interest arise. We will attempt to adhere to this schedule as best we can so that undergraduate and graduate students can plan their programs and meet their requirements in a timely manner.
LIN 4302/5502 - Historical Linguistics
Every year (usually Fall)
LIN 4303/5503 - Intro. Phonology
Every Winter
LIN 4304/5504 - Intro. Syntax
Every Fall
LIN 4305/5505 - Phonetic Theory
Every Winter
LIN 4307/5507 - Intro. Semantics
Every year (usually Winter)
LIN 4403/5603 - Phonological Theory
Every Fall
LIN 4404/5604 - Syntactic Theory
Every Winter
LIN 4407/5607 - Semantic Theory
Every other year
LIN 4409/6609 - Studies in the Structure of a Language
Every other year (usually Fall)
LIN 4470 - The History of Linguistics
Every Winter
LIN 4334/5534 - Language Development in Children
Every Fall
LIN 4335/5535 - Psycholinguistics
Every other year (usually Fall)
LIN 4374/5574 - Cross-Cultural Communication
Every other year (usually Winter)
LIN 4375/5575 - Language and Culture
Every year (usually Winter)
LIN 4376/5576 - Language and Society
Every other year (usually Fall)
LIN 5530 - Language Acquisition
Every Summer
LIN 5570 - Language, Culture and Society
Every Winter
ALS 4317/5517 - Models of Second Language Acquisition
Every Summer 1
ALS 4418/5518 - Teaching English as a Second Language
Every Fall and Winter
ALS 4419/5519 - Practicum
Every Fall, Winter and Summer 1
ALS 4438/5538 - Theory and Practice in Language Testing
Every Fall
ALS 6630 - Language Pedagogy
Every Winter
ALS 6631 - Curriculum and Material Design
Every Summer 1
ALS 6632 - Assessment and Compliance
Every Summer 1
ALS 6640 - ESL Practicum
Every Summer 2
Linguistics Department
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2175
Fax: (248) 370-3144