Political Science
Julie Walters
Title: Associate Professor
Office: 421B Varner
Phone: (248) 370-2362
E-mail: walters@oakland.edu
- Ph.D., Public Policy, George Mason University, School of Public Policy, Fairfax
- J.D., Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington
- M.A., Anthropology (Archaeology Concentration), Indiana University-Bloomington
- B.A., Classical Archaeology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Research and Teaching Interests
- Law and Public Policy
- Public Administration (budgeting and human resources)
- Complex Organizations and Institutional Analysis
- Science and Technology Policy
- Eldercare Policy
- Gender and Social Stratification
I have had the pleasure of teaching myriad courses, including:
- American Public Policy,
- Public Policy and Health Care (U.S.),
- S. Constitutional law,
- Public Sector Human Resource Management
- Women and Politics,
- Public Budgeting and Finance (graduate and undergraduate),
- Public Administration
- Administrative Law (via the MPA program, listed as Law and Public Policy),
- Law and Politics,
- Introduction to American politics,
- Democratic Theory and Practice (at George Mason University)
Select Scholarly Publications
Walters, J., (2020). Covid-19 Shelter-at-Home Orders: Impacts and Policy Responses in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence. World Medical & Health Policy
Walters, J., DeVreugd, L. and L. Guessous (2020). Mentoring Early-career Engineering Faculty: A Faculty Development Coordinator Model. Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference, June 22, 2020.
Walters, J., Guessous, L. DeVreugd, L. (2019). Lessons Learned from Efforts to Develop Mentoring Programs for Early-career STEM Faculty as an NSF ADVANCE PAID Grant. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, NCS. Award: of 58 papers, the ASEE- NCS awarded this 3rd place for its best paper awards.
Hartmus, D.M. & J. Walters. (2016). Municipal Bankruptcy and Local Court Funding: What We Can Learn from the City of Detroit, Michigan. Justice System Journal 37 (7), 144-156. Also published online, 01 October 2015 DOI: 10.1080/0098261X.2015.1084900.
Hartmus, D. M & J. Walters. (2016). Court Funding Issues Raised by Detroit’s Bankruptcy. Trends in State Courts.
Moore, K., Cunningham, J, Guessous, L., Reger, J., Roth, B., J., Walters, J. and L. DeVreugd. (Winter 2016), Multiple Paths to Full Professor: Challenges to the Academy in the 21st Century. Oakland Journal. *With WISE, we have not always listed contributors in order of contribution. I was the primary drafter on this article.
Guessous, L., Moore, K., Walters, J., Roth, B.J., DeVreugd, L. and J. Reger. (June 2015), Developing an Effective Mentoring Program for Early-Career STEM Faculty: Lessons Learned from the First Three Years of an ADVANCE PAID Program. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 14-17, 2015, Seattle, WA.
Walters, J. (2012).“Uncertainty, Isomorphism, and the Birth of a New Industry: Regulatory Policy Development in a New Health Services Sector, 1994-2004,” Administration & Society, 44(4): 458-486.
Walters, J. & Klemanski, J. (2011). Defeating an Incumbent Chief Justice: The 2008 Michigan Supreme Court Election, with John S. Klemanski, Judicature, 94: 233-23.
Walters, J. (2010). The Institutionalization of Domestic Violence against Women in the United States,” inConfronting Global Gender Justice (eds.) Berghoffen, Debra, Gilbert, Paula Ruth, Harvey, Tamara, McNeely, Connie L. London: Routledge ISBN: 978-0-415-78079-7.Walters, J. & McNeely, C. (2010). Recasting Title IX: Addressing Gender Equity in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Professoriate, Review of Policy Research, 27 (3: 317-332.
Walters, J. (Winter 2010). “Parlez-vous Civility,” Contexts, 9 (1): 64-65.
Walters, J. (2009). "Positioning Women in the STEM Workforce: The Triumvirate of U.S. Anti-Discrimination Law in Context and Effect," with Connie L. McNeely and Sorina Vlaicu, in-Spire Journal of Law, Politics, and Societies, 4 (2): 71-95.
Walters, J. (2008). “Mary Louvestre,” in African American National Biography, (eds.) Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, New York: Oxford University Press ISBN-13: 9780195160192.
Walters, J. (2007). “Through Kith and Kin: Supporting the Family Caregiver for the Elderly,” with Connie L. McNeely, in Family Caregiving for Older Disabled People: Relational and Institutional Issues, (ed.) Paoletti, Elizabeth, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers ISBN: 1-59454-808-0.