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Paul J. Kubicek

Title: Professor
Office: 426 Varner
Phone: (248) 370-2363
E-mail: kubicek@oakland.edu

Curriculum Vita


Ph.D., University of Michigan, Department of Political Science, 1995
Major Field: Comparative Politics
Minor Fields: World Politics, Methodology

M.A., University of Michigan, Department of Political Science, 1992

B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, 1989
Major: International Politics
Minor: Russian/East European Studies

Foreign Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish



The History of Ukraine (Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2008).

From Solidarity to Infirmity: Organized Labor in Post-Communist States (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004).

(ed.) The European Union and Democratization (London: Routledge, 2003).

Unbroken Ties: The State, Interest Associations, and Corporatism in Post-Soviet Ukraine (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000).

Articles in Refereed Journals:

“Political Conditionality and the EU‟s Cultivation of Democracy in Turkey,” Democratization, 2011, forthcoming.

“The European Union and Political Cleavages in Turkey,” Insight Turkey 11:3, July 2009: 109-126.

“Problems of Post-Postcommunism: Ukraine After the Orange Revolution,” Democatization, 16:2, April 2009: 269-289.

“The Commonwealth of Independent States: An Example of Failed Regionalism?” Review of International Studies, 35 (Special Issue), January 2009: 235-254 (appearing simultaneously in Rick Fawn, ed. Globalising the Regional, Regionalising the Global [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009].

“Turkey‟s Inclusion in the Atlantic Community: Looking Back, Looking Forward,” Turkish Studies 9:1, March 2008: 21-35.

Turkish Accession to the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities,” World Affairs 168:2, Fall 2005: 67-78.

“The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey,” Turkish Studies 6:3, September 2005, 361-377.

“The European Union and Democratization in Ukraine,” Communist and Post- Communist Studies, 38:2, June 2005: 269-292 (reprinted in Paul D‟Anieri and Taras Kuzio, eds, Aspects of the Orange Revolution I: Democratization and Elections in Post- Communist Ukraine (Hannover: Ibidem-Verlag, 2007).

“Turkey‟s Place in the New Europe,” Perceptions (Journal of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 9:3, November 2004.

“Turkish Accession to the European Union in Comparative Perspective,” Oxford University Occasional Papers in Southeast European Studies, 1:1, May 2004.

“Russian Energy Policy in the Caspian Basin,” World Affairs, 166:4, Spring 2004: 207- 219.

“US-Ukrainian Relations: From Engagement to Estrangement,” Problems of Post- Communism, 50:6, November/December 2003: 3-11.

“The Earthquake, Civil Society, and Democratization in Turkey: An Assessment with a View Toward Eastern Europe,” Political Studies, 50:4, September 2002: 759-776.

“Civil Society, Trade Unions, and Post-Soviet Democratization: Evidence from Russia and Ukraine,” Europe-Asia Studies 54:4, June 2002: 603-624.

“The Earthquake, The European Union, and Political Reform in Turkey,” Mediterranean Politics, 7:1, Spring 2002: 1-18.

“The Limits of Electoral Democracy in Ukraine,” Democratization 8:2, Summer 2001: 117-139.

“The Earthquake, Europe, and Prospects for Political Change in Turkey,” Middle East Review of International Affairs, 5:2, June 2001: 34-47.

“Post-Communist Political Studies: Ten Years Later, Twenty Years Behind,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 33:3, September 2000: 295-309.

“Regional Polarization in Ukraine: Public Opinion, Voting, and Legislative Behavior Over Time,” Europe-Asia Studies, 52:2, March 2000: 273-294.

“Russian Foreign Policy and the West,” Political Science Quarterly, 114:4, Winter 1999: 547-568.

“Organized Labor in Post-Communist States: Will the Western Sun Set on It Too?” Comparative Politics, 32:1, October 1999: 83-102.

“The Turkish Elections of 1999,” Mediterranean Politics, 4:2, Summer 1999: 187-193.

“Turkish-European Relations: At a New Crossroads?” Middle East Policy Journal, 6:4, June 1999: 157-173.

“What Happened to the Nationalists in Ukraine?” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 5:1, Spring 1999: 29-45.

“The End of the Line for the Commonwealth of Independent States,” Problems of Post- Communism, 46:2, March/April 1999: 15-24.

“Another Balkan Humpty-Dumpty: Putting Albania Back Together,” European Security, 7:2, Summer 1998: 78-91.

“Authoritarianism in Central Asia: Curse or Cure?” Third World Quarterly, 19:1, Spring 1998: 29-43.

Nation, State, and Economy in Central Asia: Does Ataturk Provide a Model? (Treadgold Papers, University of Washington, 1997).

“Post-Soviet Ukraine: In Search of a Constituency for Reform,” Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 13:3, September 1997: 103-126.

“Regionalism, Nationalism, and Realpolitik in Central Asia,” Europe-Asia Studies, 49:4, June 1997: 629-647.

“Ethnic Conflict and Three-Level Games: Turks, Kurds, and Outside Actors,” International Negotiation, 2:1, June 1997: 79-101.

“Variations on a Corporatist Theme: Interest Associations in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia,” Europe-Asia Studies, 48:1, January 1996: 27-46.

“Empire-Breaking to State-Building: Dynamics of Contemporary Ukrainian Nationalism,” Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, 23:1-2, 1996: 39-50.

“Delegative Democracy in Russia and Ukraine,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 27:4, December 1994: 443-461.

Other Publications:

“The Diminishing Relevance of Ostalgie Twenty Years after Reunification,” in Jana Braziel, ed. After the Berlin Wall: Germany and Beyond (New York: Palgrave- Macmillan, 2011).

Contributor of twenty-two articles to International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Congressional Quarterly Press, forthcoming).

“Applying the Democratization Literature to Post-Soviet Central Asian Statehood,” in E. Kavalski, ed. Stable Outside, Fragile Inside? Post-Soviet Statehood in Central Asia, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), pp. 37-52.

“Structure, Agency, and Secessionism in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet States,” in Don Doyle, ed. Secessionism as an International Phenomenon (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. 277-296.

Contributor of two articles (Secessionist War, Correlates of War) to International Encyclopedia of Peace (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

“Ukrainian Trade Unions Since 1945,” in C. Phelan, ed. Trade Unionism since 1945: Towards a Global History (London: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 291-312.

“Turkey‟s Inclusion in the Atlantic Community: How Solid a Fit?” in Valerie Aubourg, Gerard Bossuat, Giles Scott-Smith, eds. European Community, Atlantic Community? (Paris, Editions Soleb, 2008), pp. 468-487.

Contributor of four articles (Commonwealth of Independent States, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmen, Modernization: Central Asia) for Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (Oxford University Press, 2008).

“Ukraine and the European Neighborhood Policy: Can the EU Help the Orange Revolution Bear Fruit?” East European Quarterly, 41(1), March 2007: 1-23.

“Trade Unions in Ukraine,” in C. Phelan, ed. Trade Unions of the World: Trends and Developments in Thirty-Eight Nations, (London: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 363-378.

“The Application and Acceptance of Democratic Norms in the Eastward Enlargement,” in Helene Sjursen, ed. Enlargement in Perspective (Oslo: ARENA, 2005), pp. 175-208.

Contributor of article on Finland to Governments of the World (MacMillan, 2005).

“Iraqi Nation Building in the Honors College,” Oakland Journal, Number 6, Winter 2004: 23-32.

“International Norms, the European Union, and Democratization: Tentative Theory and Evidence,” in Kubicek, ed. The European Union and Democratization (London: Routledge, 2003).

“The European Union and Ukraine: Real Partners or a Relationship of Convenience?” in The European Union and Democratization, 2003.

“Conclusion: The European Union and Democracy Promotion,” in The European Union and Democratization, 2003.

“Europe, the United States and Islam: Three Strings Pulling at Turkish Foreign Policy,” Analytical report to the on-line EU-Turkish Relations Project of the Observatory of European Foreign Policy, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2003.

Contributor of seven articles, Encyclopedia of Russian History, edited by James Millar (Macmillan, 2003).

“Regionalism in Post-Soviet Ukraine,” in T. Clark and D. Kempton, eds. Unity or Separation: Center-Periphery Relations in the Former Soviet Union (Praeger, 2001), pp. 227-249.

“Ukrainian Interest Groups and Economic Reform,” in T. Kuzio, R. Kravchuk, and P. D‟Anieri, eds. State and Institution Building in Ukraine (St. Martin‟s, 1999), pp. 57-81.

“Ukraine: The Trials of a New State,” in Patrick Keenan, ed. The CIS Handbook (Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999), pp. 69-85.

“Russian Trade Unions: Dogs That Don‟t Bark,” Analysis of Current Events 11:1-2, January 1999: 1-4.

“Albania‟s Collapse and Reconstruction,” Perceptions (Ankara) 3:1, March 1998: 117- 133.

“Turkey‟s Kurdish Troubles: An Intractable Conflict?” Pew Case Studies in International Affairs, Georgetown University, Fall 1997.

“Nationalism in the Former USSR: Is There Such Great Cause for Alarm?” Current World Leaders: International Issues, 40:2, August 1997: 12-26.

“Building Social Tolerance: The Case of Kyrgyzstan,” Central Asia Monitor, No. 5, November 1996: 16-19.

“Managing Inter-Ethnic Relations in the Former USSR: Theory and Practice,” Eurasian Studies (Ankara) 3:3, Fall 1996: 85-101.

Book Reviews in American Political Science Review, Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Politics, Europe-Asia Studies, Political Science Quarterly, Slavic Review, International Affairs, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Turkish Studies, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Nationality Papers, Canadian Slavonic Papers, Russian Review, Insight Turkey.

In Progress:

European Politics: A Comparative Introduction Undergraduate textbook for Pearson- Longman publishers, final draft submitted June 2010.

“The Geopolitics of Energy in the Caspian Basin,” prepared for edited volume under coordination of Professor Younkyoo Kim of Hanyang University, Seoul.

Professional Positions

Chair, Department of Political Science, Oakland University (2007-present) Professor (2006-present)
Associate Professor (2002-2006)
Assistant Professor (2000-2002)
Teaching classes in: Comparative Politics, Post-Soviet Politics, Introduction to Russia and Eastern Europe, European Politics, Middle Eastern Politics, Politics Through Literature, Western Political Thought, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (Honors College), Genocide: Causes and Prevention (Honors College), Defining the Boundaries of Europe and the West (Honors College).

Fulbright Scholar and Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007
Courses Taught: Contemporary Problems in World Politics, Sociology of Globalization

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Wyoming, 1999-2000
Courses Taught: Post-Soviet Politics, East European Politics, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, The Politics of the European Union, and Introduction to International Relations.

Kenneth Boulding Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1998-1999 Conducted research and contributed to grant-writing projects for the Globalization and Democracy (GAD) Program; assisted in the core GAD inter-disciplinary graduate seminar; taught senior seminar on topic “Societies in Transition.”

Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey 1995-1998
Courses taught (all in English): Introduction to International Relations, Comparative Politics, History of Political Thought, Post-Soviet Politics, East European Politics, Politics of the European Union, Literature and Politics, Political Economy of Reform and Institutional Change

Lecturer, L‟viv State University, Ukraine, 1992-1993
Taught two courses in international relations (in English) in conjunction with the Civic Education Project.

Academic Honors and Awards

Fulbright Scholar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Winter 2007
Oakland University Faculty Research Grant, 2006, used in Zagreb and Brussels
Guest Professor, AHA Study Abroad Program in Vienna, Austria, Fall 2005
Oakland University Research Fellowship, 2003
Outstanding Faculty Member Award, Oakland University, 2002-2003
International Research and Exchange (IREX) Short-Term Travel Grant, 2002, used in Poland
American Political Science Association Small Research Grant, 2002, used in Poland
Oakland University Faculty Research Grant, 2002, used in Poland
American Councils for International Education Advanced Research Fellowship, used in Russia and Ukraine, Summer 2001
Basic Research Grant, University of Wyoming, used in Turkey, Summer 2000
Teaching Fellow, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey, Summer 2000
Kenneth Boulding Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Colorado, 1998-1999
Center for International Business Education Dissertation Research Grant, used in Ukraine, Summer 1994
Regents‟ Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1990-1995
Phi Beta Kappa, 1989

Professional Presentations

“Lessons Learned and Applied from the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan,” Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Los Angeles CA, November 2010.

“The Meaning and Limits of a United Europe: The Problematic Case of Turkey,” Paper to be presented at workshop, “Europe Twenty Years after the End of the Cold War: The New Europe, New Europes?” The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva Switzerland, October 2010.

“Visions of East and West in Contemporary Israeli Cinema and Television,” paper to be presented at workshop, “Israel in the Middle East,” program on Israeli Studies, University of Calgary, Calgary AB, October 2010.

“Decolonization and State and Nation-Building in Post-Soviet Central Asia,” Paper presented at symposium, “Independence and Decolonization,” University of Texas, Institute for Historical Studies, April 2010.

“The „Wall of the Mind‟ and Nostalgia for Separation in Reunified Germany,” Paper presented for the conference, “November 9, 1989—the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Twenty Years After,” University of Cincinnati, November 2009.

“Political Conditionality and the EU‟s Cultivation of Democracy in Turkey,” paper for writers‟ workshop for special issue of Democratization, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, June 2009.

“The European Union and Political Cleavages in Turkey” Paper presented at the bi- annual conference of the European Union Studies Association, Los Angeles CA, April 2009.

“Possibilities and Limits of Populism in Ukraine and Eastern Europe,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia PA, November 2008.

“Secession and National Unity in Ukraine and Moldova: Lessons Learned from Secessionist Movements That Were and Those That Weren‟t,” Paper presented at conference of the Association for Research on Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Americans (ARENA), Charleston SC, December 2007.

“What Now? The Political Economy of Reform in Post-Orange Ukraine,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, New Orleans LA, November 2007.

“How Divided is Turkey?: Political Cleavages in Turkey in Comparative Perspective,” Paper presented at the Divided Societies Workshop, sponsored by Wayne State University, at the Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 2007.

“Western Efforts to Promote Democracy: How Prudent? How Effective?” Presentation at the University of Toledo School of Law, Toledo Ohio, September 2006.

“Turkey‟s Inclusion in the Atlantic Community: How Solid a Fit?” Paper for conference, “Re-evaluating the Atlantic Community,” University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 2006.

“Ukraine: Language, Culture, Society,” Participant for Roundtable at Conference of European Studies, Chicago IL, March 2006.

“Will Ukraine‟s Orange Revolution Bear Fruit?” Paper presented at the Department of Comparative and International Politics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, December 2005.

“Out of the „Neighborhood‟, Into the EU?: The Evolving EU-Ukrainian Relationship,” Paper presented at the workshop, “European Neighborhood Policy,” sponsored by Stanford Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, May 2005.

“The European Union and Democratization „From Below‟ in Turkey,” Paper presented for the bi-annual conference of the European Union Studies Association, Austin, Texas, April 2005.

“Turkish Accession to the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Europe,” Paper Prepared for Workshop, „The New Europe II”, Center for European Studies, University of Florida, in Paris, France, February 2005

“The 2004 Ukrainian Presidential Elections,” Roundtable participant at Workshop on Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, October 2004.

“European Union Expansion and the Spread of Democratic Norms: A Comparative Analysis,” Paper presented at the workshop, “Justifying Enlargement,” part of the project “Citizenship and Democratic Legitimacy in the European Union,” sponsored by the European Commission, held in Avila, Spain, May 2004.

“The Evolution of the „Monroeski Doctrine‟ and Eurasianism under Vladimir Putin,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, March 2004.

“Competing Views of Turkey‟s Place in Europe,” Presentation for Workshop “New Face of Europe,” at Center for European Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, February 2004.

“Russia‟s Foreign Policy of Energy in the Caspian Basin Since 9/11,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Toronto ON, November 2003.

“The European Union and Ukraine: Real Partners or a Relationship of Convenience?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Pittsburgh PA, November 2002.

“The European Union and Democracy Promotion,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Savannah GA, November 2002.

“International Norms, the European Union, and Democratization: Tentative Theory and Evidence,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans LA, March 2002.

“Democracy from Below, from Above, and from Without: The Turkish Case,” Presentation at Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Wayne State University, Detroit MI, December 2001.

“Trade Unions in Russia and Ukraine,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington DC, November 2001.

“Is Ukraine Capable of Becoming a Democracy?: Fallout after „Kuchmagate‟,” Presentation at Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, November 2001.

“Open Markets, Civil Society, and Democracy: Examining Organized Labor in Russia and Ukraine,” Paper presented at conference at Duke University, “The Road to Democratization: Freeways and Detours,” October 2001.

“Reverberations and Reform in Turkey after the Earthquake and Helsinki,” Paper presented at the 6th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, April 2001.

“The Ukrainian Elections of 1998-1999: Progress Toward Democracy?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Denver CO, November 2000.

“Ukraine, the United States, and NATO,” presentation at conference “NATO: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,” University of Kansas, September 1999.

“Identity, Nationalism, and Foreign Policy: The Limits of Turkish Europeanization,” Paper for colloquium “Turkey and Europe: 1923-1998,” University of Michigan, November 1998.

“Ethnicity in Central Asia: Domestic and International Perspectives,” Paper presented at symposium “Culture and Identity in Local and International Politics,” Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, November 1996.

“Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: Economic Imperatives, Local Nationalism, and the Shadow of Russia,” Paper presented at the joint Japan Association of International Relations/International Studies Association conference, Makuhari, Japan, September 1996.

“State and Nation-Building in Central Asia: Ataturk as a Possible Model,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 1996.

“Managing Inter-Ethnic Relations and Fostering Tolerance: Theory and Practice in the Former USSR,” Paper presented at UNESCO Conference on Ideas of Social Tolerance and Early Prevention of Conflicts, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, June 1996.

“Interest Groups, the Old/New Nomenklatura, and the Politics of Economic Reform and Stagnation in Russia and Ukraine,” Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, April 1995.

“Delegative Democracy in Post-Soviet States,” Paper presented at International Conference on the Future of East-Central Europe, University of Marie-Sklodowska, Lublin, Poland, May 1994.

“Empire-Breaking to State Building: Dynamics of Contemporary Ukrainian Nationalism,” Paper presented at International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, April 1994.

“Construction of a Democratic State in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects,” Paper presented (in Russian) at conference “Power and Property in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects,” L‟viv, Ukraine, February 1993.


Department of Political Science, Oakland University: Chair, 2007-2010; Library Coordinator, 2000-2002; International Relations Search Committee (chair) 2001-2002; 2004-2005; Comparative Politics Search Committee (chair) 2008-2009; Curriculum and Assessment Committee 2000-2002, (chair) 2003-2004; Faculty Review Committees (numerous)
Honors College Council, Oakland University, 2003-2009.
University Research Committee, 2007-2009; Chair 2008-2009
University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction (2010-present)
College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Appointment and Promotion (CAP) (2010- present)
Judaic Studies Advisory Committee, 2007-present
International Studies Executive Committee, Oakland University, 2001-present
Faculty Sponsor, Albanian-American Student Association, 2006-present
Fulbright Representative, Oakland University, 2007-present
Faculty Sponsor, Model EU, Oakland University, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
Faculty Sponsor, Model UN, Oakland University, 2008-present
Founder and Faculty Sponsor, Model United Nations Club, Koç University, 1996-1998
Faculty Sponsor, Civic Education Project Student Conference, Kosice, Slovakia, 1993
Manuscript Reviewer for Political Science Quarterly, American Journal of Political Science, Political Geography, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, Europe-Asia Studies, British Journal of Political Science, Nationalities Papers, Problems of Post-Communism, Government and Opposition, Political Studies, Turkish Studies, Slavic Review, Cities, European Journal of Political Research, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Party Politics, International Studies Perspectives, South European Society and Politics, Routledge, Longman, Rowman and Littlefield, Lynne Reiner, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, and Johns Hopkins University Press.
Member, Editorial Board, Turkish Studies
Evaluator for American Councils for International Education Regional Scholar Program 2002
Evaluator for IREX Young Leadership Fellows Program 2002
Evaluator for IREX Short-Term Grant Program 2003-2004
Evaluator, Advanced Placement (AP) Course Audit, 2007, 2008
Grader, National AP Exam in Comparative Politics, 2005, 2006; European History, 2008 Panelist, Various Panels on Political Issues for Community Television, 2006