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Roger T. Larocca

Title: Associate Professor
Office: 431 Varner
Phone: (248) 370-2353
E-mail: larocca@oakland.edu

Curriculum Vita

Academic Positions
Associate Professor, Oakland University, 2009-present
Assistant Professor, Oakland University, 2005-present
Assistant Professor, Purdue University, 1998 – 2005

Academic Background

Ph.D., Political Science, University of Chicago, 1999, “Presidential Agenda Setting in Congress”
B.A., Government, Oberlin College, 1986



The Presidential Agenda: Sources of Executive Influence in Congress Publisher: Ohio State University Press (published on 8/22/2006) ISBN: 0-8142-1033-3

Journal Articles:

“Strategic Diversion in Political Communication,” Journal of Politics, May 2004 66(2): 469-491

“Reconciling Conflicting Gauss-Markov Assumptions in the Classical Linear Regression Model,” Political Analysis March 2005 13 (2): 188-207

“Committee Parallelism and Bicameral Agenda Coordination,” American Politics Research January 2010 38 (1): 3-32

“State Election Reforms and Turnout after Motor Voter” (with John Klemanski), State Politics and Policy Quarterly January 2011, 11 (1): 76-101

“The Bicameral Context of Presidential Agenda Setting,” Congress and the Presidency May 2011, 38 (2): 1-25

Other publications:

Book Review of Adams, J.F., Merrill III, S. and B. Grofman. 2005. A Unified Theory of Party Competition. Cambridge Univ. Press.Comparative Political Studies March 2006. 39: 253-257.

“The Gauss-Markov Theorem,” Encyclopedia of Research Design, Neil Salkind (editor) Sage Publications, 2010 Volume 1: 528-533.

Conference Papers:

“Presidential Agenda Setting in the Bicameral Context”
Place / Date: Washington, DC on 9/3/2010
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Restrictive Rules in the House of Representatives”
Place / Date: Chicago, IL on 4/5/2010
Sponsor: Midwest Political Science Association

“The Use of Fast-Track Procedures for the Approval of Free Trade Agreements” with Dong-Hun Kim
Place / Date: Chicago, IL on 4/5/2008
Sponsor: Midwest Political Science Association

“Jurisdictional Overlap and Bicameral Agenda Setting”
Place / Date: Chicago, IL on 4/21/2006
Sponsor: Midwest Political Science Association

“Restrictive Amendment Procedures and the Mobilization of Partisan Team Spirit” coauthored with Glenn Parker and Suzanne Parker
Place / Date: New Orleans, LA on 4/12/2005
Sponsor: Public Choice Society

“Coordination Problems in Bicameral Agenda Setting”
Place / Date: Chicago, IL on 9/1/2004
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Bicameral Agenda Setting”
Place / Date: Boston, MA on 9/1/2002
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Strategic Diversion in Political Communication”
Place / Date: San Francisco, CA on 9/1/2001
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Informational Delay and Political Parties”
Place / Date: San Francisco, CA on 9/1/2001
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Spin Control in Presidential Press Conferences”
Place / Date: Washington, DC on 9/1/2000
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Informational Cascades in State Supreme Courts” coauthored with William McLauchlan
Place / Date: Washington, DC on 9/1/2000

“Presidential Coordination of House and Senate Agendas”
Place / Date: Chicago, IL on 4/31/2000
Sponsor: Midwest Political Science Association

“Spin Control”
Place / Date: Boston, MA on 9/1/1998
Sponsor: American Political Science Association

“Presidential Agenda Setting, 1977-1994”
Place / Date: Boston, MA on 9/1/1998
Sponsor: American Political Science Association


e-Learning and Instruction Support
Online Course Development Grant
Political Science 303 Online: Research Methods and Statistics
Date: 2/23/2006
Amount: $3,000.00

University Research Committee
Faculty Research Fellowship
Date: 12/9/2005
Amount: $8,500.00

“The United States 2004 Summer Institute on American Life and Youth Leadership.”
Grant co-investigator and faculty member
Date: 7/17/2004 - 8/22/2004.
Summer institute grant funded by the Department of State's Middle East Partnership Initiative and its Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for outstanding high school students from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestinian Territories.

University Research Committee
Faculty Research Fellowship
Date: 12/2010
Amount: $8,500.00

Public Service

“Am I Right” on WTVS Detroit, November 5, 2010, On-air guest

9th Congressional District Debate, October 10, 2010, Panelist

“Am I Right” on WTVS Detroit, January 16, 2009, On-air guest

9th Congressional District Debate, October 16, 2008, Panelist


Merit prize recipient for research, Department of Political Science, 2006-7
Merit prize recipient for research, Department of Political Science, 2008-9