Professional Advisers Council

[email protected]
For students:

A photo looking up at Elliott Tower through the yellow leaves of a tree.

University Senate Representatives

Professional Advisers Council members represent and provide the advising perspective on several University Senate committees:

Academic Standing & Honors

2024- 2026 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Steven Bryant

To review, propose, and implement university policies concerning academic probation, dismissal, and readmission; to present to the Senate the Registrar's list of candidates for graduation with any recommendations for deletions or additions to the list; and to review and transmit to the Senate nominees for University Honors.

Classroom Use and Academic Scheduling Committee 

2023-2026 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Rachel Stagman

The Committee shall work in consultation with the Registrar and Provost’s Office for monitoring, reviewing, and guiding decision-making with respect to recommendations for classroom and academic scheduling and related resources as well as developing recommendations for policies and practices on the most efficient and effective use of classroom resources and academic scheduling development. 

General Education

2022-2025 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Jade Dang

To recommend to the Senate general policies and requirements for undergraduate education, to function as a curriculum committee for a university-wide program of general education, and to respond to petitions of exception relating to the program, in accordance with Senate authorizations.

Student Academic Support

2022-2025 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Ariana Abbott

To promote the academic success of students by considering, evaluating, and recommending policies and procedures in the areas of advising, financial aid, registration, admissions, student life, career development, and any other areas of student academic interest that may be brought before it.

Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Committee

2023-2026 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Evan Dermidoff

To advise the President and the Athletic Director about matters affecting the academic and athletic integrity of intercollegiate athletics, including, but not limited to, matters affecting student-athlete welfare. And to advise the Athletic Director generally on policies for student-athletes including, but not limited to, standards of academic eligibility, student support and health, academic integrity and progress, equity, Title IX, and NCAA and Horizon League issues.

University Committee of Undergraduate Instruction

2023-2025 Professional Advisers Council Representative: Chris Mocny

To recommend to the University Senate academic policies and procedures concerning undergraduate education and, when necessary, seek advice from other appropriate bodies concerning the impact of these policies and procedures, to make recommendations to the University Senate regarding proposed and existing undergraduate programs, including recommendations for program modification, suspension, or Discontinuance, and more.

For more information on University Senate Committees: