School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Undergraduate Protocol for Class, Lab and Clinical
As of December 8, 2021: Students must follow the SON COVID Protocol and take the actions stipulated by the SON COVID Response Team ( in order for any missed course or clinical work to be an excused absence. Failure to comply will result in unexcused absence, reduction in grades and/or course failure. This may negatively impact a student's ability to progress in the nursing program.
The health and safety of our students, staff, faculty, and clinical partners is our highest priority as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, students, faculty, and staff are responsible for following protocols that will protect themselves and others. Therefore, it is critical to adhere to the current University health protocol to prevent the virus from spreading. This protocol is based on recommendations from the Oakland County Health Department and the CDC. Please realize that additional safety protocols might be mandated by the clinical agencies you are working with for your clinicals. It is an expectation that you adhere to these protocols as well.
In order to create a safe and healthy culture in the SON, faculty will not penalize students if they are absent from classes, labs, simulations, and/or clinicals due to COVID-19 related symptoms and/or the need to self-isolate because of a COVID-19 positive test result. If there is an absence, you must notify the course Faculty of Record (FOR) and they will advise you on alternative learning experiences to meet course objectives. If you are in a clinical, also notify your clinical faculty.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID or have symptoms of COVID, contact for further directions.
The school of nursing and SONCOVID are in charge of all COVID related illnesses. SONCOVID will be the ones who will ultimately clear you for your return to campus, class, labs and clinicals. The SON has to consider all of our care partner rules and requirements in making our decisions. All policy recommendations will be updated as more information becomes available, and conditions warrant.
FULLY VACCINATED: you are fully vaccinated if you have completed the full Pfizer/Moderna 2 shot series or completed the single dose of Johnson/Johnson.
UP TO DATE: You are considered up to date if, after you have completed any of the above series AND you have received a BOOSTER dose if eligible.
UNVACCINATED: You are considered unvaccinated if you have not completed one of the above series OR you have NOT received your booster.
BOOSTER: You are eligible for a booster 5 months after you have completed the Pfizer/Moderna series or 2 months after completing the Johnson/Johnson shot.
SECOND BOOSTER: As of August 2022, a second booster is recommended for over 50 and those with immunosuppressive or other health issues (consult your provider). It can be given 4 months after the first booster. This may change to include more persons.
SON BOOSTER RULES: All nursing students and clinical faculty will have to have one booster on ACEMAAP by December 1, 2022. This is a clinical partner requirement.
ALL people who test positive will isolate for 7 full days regardless of vaccination status. Day 1 is the first full day after symptoms begin or the day after your test sample was collected. Isolate at home for the full 7 days. During this time, you will NOT be allowed to attend any OU in person activity including, class, labs, campus or clinicals. Notify all your faculty of your timeframe. They will give you further directions. If you meet the criteria given you, you will be able to return on day 8 and must follow all directions given you. SONCOVID will give you directions for your return.
It is highly recommended you do a laboratory rapid test on day 7. If neg, then you are not shedding the virus. If it is still positive, you will stay out for 10 full days with return on day 11. This is a recommendation only but is highly suggested due to the population we serve.
Notify GHC of all positive test results and upload results to their secure patient portal. If you are positive by a rapid home test, take a picture of your test with your name and date on it and send it to GHC and SONCOVID.
If you are positive via a rapid home test, you will not need a PCR.
SONCOVID will follow you throughout the process and will give you a specific isolation timeframe with specific dates to follow. It is the student’s responsibility to notify all faculty about the timeframe.
NOTE: You will follow the guidelines sent to you by SONCOVID. GHC may give you different guidelines but that is for the general population, not OU nursing students.
**As of August 2022, the CDC has lifted quarantine for all persons regardless of vaccination status for ASYMPTOMATIC persons.
**Wear a mask around others and monitor for symptoms (sore throat, congestion, runny/stuffy nose, cough, loss of taste/smell, headache, body aches, fever, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea) for 10 full days.
**If you develop ANY SYMPTOMS during this time, get a PCR test, stay home and notify SONCOVID.
**If you remain asymptomatic, get a PCR on day 5 after exposure. Send the results to SONCOVID. You will continue to monitor and mask for the 10 full days from exposure.
NOTE: Please report ALL exposures to
June 2021
(Revised July 2022)
RATIONALE: Nurses play an important role in maintaining the health and safety of the community. At times, PPE (including, but not limited to masks) is an integral part of the process. As nursing students, wearing PPE not only shows the community the commitment to good health and safety, it will give the student understanding, practice and experience in how to correctly use and wear PPE. This is another foundational experience in their nursing education that will transfer into their professional career and to the care of patients.
POLICY: In an effort to maintain the safety and health of faculty, staff, visitors and students, the school of nursing laboratories (therapeutic, health assessment, community and simulation) will require that masks be worn by all persons who will come into the labs for any reason or any amount of time. All persons will comply with this policy regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status. This policy will be in effect until further notice. Acceptable masks include clean surgical, KN95 and N95. Gator types of mask or unclean masks of any kind will not be accepted. Cloth masks are NOT acceptable at this time. A clean, new mask will be provided by staff if the person does not have a mask or does not meet the acceptable mask criteria. The Director of the Nursing Laboratories and the SON administration may make changes at any time to this policy to reflect the needs of the OU community and the changing public health environment. This policy may possibly include any aspect of PPE (face shield, gloves, etc.) that would be deemed necessary for the safety of all who use the laboratories.