Kimberly Finch, MSN
Special Lecturer
Human Health Building
Phone: 586-212-1255
[email protected]
Kim received her Master’s in Nursing from University of Phoenix. Her studies focused on education, healthcare leadership and quality improvement. Kim is LEAN Healthcare Certified from the University of Michigan. Kim currently works at Henry Ford Health in the Quality Department and has for the last 15 years in various roles, including leadership. Kim has been teaching for Oakland University since 2009 as an obstetric clinical instructor. Kim has also taught OB lecture, Health Promotion, Nursing Informatics, Operating Room preceptorship class and Nursing capstone for RN to BSN. Kim teaches in the Traditional and ASD programs, RN-BSN programs. Kim has published a book for the OB clinical students.
Clinical Expertise:
- Healthcare Quality
- Healthcare Risk Management
- LEAN project management
- Obstetrics and Mother Baby
- Operating Room
- MSN, University of Phoenix
- BSN-Madonna University
- Finch, K. (2022) The New Obstetric Nurse A Guide for New Obstetric Nurses or Nursing Students in their OB Clinical Rotation. Kendall Hunt.
Professional Affiliations:
- American Society of Anesthesiology
- National Association of Healthcare Quality
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.