Anne Hranchook, DNP, CRNA
Assistant Director OU-Beaumont Graduate Program of Nurse Anesthesia
Human Health Building, Room 3056
(248) 364-8708 Oakland
(248) 898-1270 Beaumont
[email protected]
Dr. Anne Hranchook became a faculty member at Oakland University in 2011 after 20 years of practice at Corewell Health - William Beaumont University Hospital in Royal Oak, where she worked as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist and educator. Dr. Hranchook enjoys teaching doctoral nursing students translational research methods for application in clinical settings, bridging the gap between research and evidence based practice. Her teaching focuses on evidence-based strategies that support administrative decision making to ensure the highest quality of care, promote optimal patient outcomes and create a culture of critical thinking and accountability. Her research interests include quality and safety in the delivery of patient care and the implementation and use of technology in practice.
Clinical Expertise: Anesthesiology
- DNP – Oakland University
- MSN in Nurse Anesthesia – Oakland University
- BSN – University of Detroit
Research Area Interests:
- Quality and Safety in anesthesia
- Implementation and use of technology in the practice.
- Publications
- Wilbanks, B., Hranchook, A., Callan, V. (2024). Shared experiences of nurse anesthesiology faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic. AANA Journal, 92(5):373-381
- Everson, M., Hirsch, M., Clayton, B.A., Callan, V., Hranchook, A., Wilbanks, B., Jordan, L. (2024). Opportunities and obstacles: The impact of COVID-19 on student registered nurse anesthetists. AANA Journal,92(4):279-286.
- Bonsall, A., Leroy, Q., Hranchook, A., (2024). Implementation and evaluation of an evidence based handoff tool for use by anesthesia during transfer of care of post-CABG patients to the ICU. Measures in the Mitten, 1(1), 18-19.
- Hintzman, J., Olmsted, C., Shannon, L., Hranchook, A. (2024). Evaluation of a COVID-19 surgical scheduling guideline using the appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation (AGREE II) instrument. Measures in the Mitten, 1(1), 16-17.
- Farina, C., Hranchook, A., Aebersold, M., Bittinger, A. (2021). The flipped classroom with case-based learning in graduate nurse anesthesia education. AANA Journal 89(3):254-260.
- Everson, M., Wilbanks, B.A, Hranchook, A.M., Hirsch, M., Clayton, B.A., Jordan, L.M., Callan, V. (2021). From the operating room to the front lines: shared experiences of Nurse anesthetists during the coronavirus pandemic. AANA Journal 89(2): 109-116.
- Bittinger, A.C., Dunn, K., Hranchook, A., Codier, E., (2020). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress levels among certified registered nurse anesthetists. AANA Journal 88(5):398-404.
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (2019, March). Discoveries of distinction: A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. AANA NewsBulletin, p. 37.
- Hranchook, A., Penprase, B., Piscotty, R. (2018). Mobile computing devices in the perioperative environment: A survey exploring CRNA uses and experiences. AANA Journal, 86(6): 471-478
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (2018). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. AANA Journal,86(4): 311-318.
- Golinski, M., & Hranchook, A. (2018). Events During Cosmetic Surgery: A Thematic Analysis of Closed Claims. AANA Journal, 86(2):127-136.
- Golinski, M., and Hranchook, A.(2017). Adverse events during cosmetic surgery: A thematic analysis of closed claims. AANA Foundation 2017 Poster Abstracts A1.
- Hranchook, A., Masser, A., and Pappow, K. (2016). Clinical teaching behaviors: A comparison of CRNA and SRNA opinions regarding effectiveness and frequency of use. AANA Foundation 2016 Poster Abstracts A27.
- Jordan, L., Quraishi, J., Boust, R., Clayton, B.A., Crawforth, K., Everson, M., Golinski, M., Hirsch, M., Hranchook, A., Kremer, M., Larson, S., Matthews, R., McElhone, P., Wiltse-Nicely, K., Wilbanks, B., & Zambricki, C. (2015). The AANA Foundation malpractice closed claims study: A descriptive analysis. AANA Journal, 83(5), 318-323.
- Hranchook, A., Penprase, B., & Piscotty, R. (2014). Mobile computing devices in the practice of nurse anesthesia: An exploration of uses and impact on care. AANA Foundation 2014 Poster Abstracts A45.
- Penprase B, Mileto L, Bittinger A, Hranchook A., Atchley J., Bergakker S., Eimers T., Franson H. (2012). The use of high-fidelity simulation in the admissions process: one nurse anesthesia program's experience. AANA Journal,80(1), 43-8.
- Hranchook, A., Beauchamp, C., Koerber, J., Aulicino, M., Dangel-Palmer, M., & Miller,T. (2010). Comparative efficacy of ondansetron and dolasetron in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. A Publication of the AANA Foundation …A Historical Perspective, 63.
- Drews, H., Brentin, S., Ersig, C., Trent, A., Harrison, B., Rosenblatt, S., Omran, F., Dukatz, T., Han, R., Hranchook, A., Mileto, L., Balasubramaniam, M. (2010). Perioperative hypoglycemia development in patients with diabetes: Comparing risks of patients presenting with low normal fasting preoperative blood glucose to those with high fasting preoperative blood glucose treated with correctional insulin (abstract). In: Supplement to AANA Journal for the State of the Science Oral and General Poster Sessions held in Seattle, Washington, August 7-11, 2010, AANA Journal, 78(5), 421. Abstract A3.
- Hranchook, A. & Mileto, L. (2009). Generational Dynamics in Nurse Anesthesia Education in A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators, Henrich, B. Thompson, J. (Ed) AANA Publishing, Inc.
- Hranchook, A. (2005). Endocrine Disorders in Nurse Anesthesia Secrets, Karlet M. (Ed.) Elsevier Science, Mosby Publishers.
- Hranchook, A. & Beauchamp, C. (2005). Adjunctive Agents & Antiemetics in Nurse Anesthesia Secrets, Karlet M. (Ed.) Elsevier Science, Mosby Publishers.
- Boeson, M. & Hranchook, A.(2000). Peripheral nerve injury from cannulation: A case report. AANA Journal, 68, 53-57.
- Corazza, M. & Hranchook, A.(2000). Massive blood transfusion therapy. AANA Journal, 68, 311-314.
- Hranchook, A. (1999). Anesthesia for Pediatric Urologic Procedures in Clinical Guide to Pediatric Anesthesia, Zaglaniczny, K. Aker, J. (Ed.), W.B. Saunders Co.
- Publications (Book Chapter)
- Hranchook, A., & Wands, B. (2017). Advancing a career in academia. In Henrichs, B., & Thompson, J. (Eds.), A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators. Chicago, IL: AANA Publishing Inc.
- DeNisco, S., Bellini, S., Hranchook, A., & Johnson, L.A. (2017). Reflective response 1: When the DNP chair is a DNP graduate: The DNP in the academic role. In Smith-Glasgow, M.E., & Dreher, H.M. (Eds.). DNP Role Development for Doctoral Advanced Nursing Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
- Mileto, L. & Hranchook, A. (2009). Generational dynamics in nurse anesthesia education. In Henrichs, B., & Thompson, J. (Eds.), A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators. Chicago, IL: AANA Publishing Inc.
- Hranchook, A. (2005). Endocrine disorders. In Karlet M. (Ed.), Nurse Anesthesia Secrets, Elsevier Science, Mosby Publishers.
- Hranchook, A. & Beauchamp, C. (2005). Adjunctive agents & antiemetics. In Karlet M. (Ed.), Nurse Anesthesia Secrets, Elsevier Science. Mosby Publishers.
- Hranchook, A. (1999). Anesthesia for pediatric urologic procedures. In Zaglaniczny, K. Aker, J. (Eds.), Clinical Guide to Pediatric Anesthesia. W.B. Saunders Co.
- Presentations (Oral-Refereed)
- Golinski, M., and Hranchook, A. (February, 2019). Adverse events during cosmetic surgery: A thematic analysis of closed claims. AANA Foundation General Poster Session Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators, Houston, TX. Poster Presentation.
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (September, 2018). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. AANA Foundation State of the Science Oral Presentation, Boston, Massachusetts. Oral Platform Presentation
- Drews H, Brentin S, Ersig C, Trent A, Rosenblatt S, DukatzT, Harrison B, Hranchook, A, Omran F, Han R. Perioperative hypoglycemia development in patients with diabetes: comparing risk of patients presenting with low normal fasting perioperative blood glucose to those with high fasting perioperative blood glucose treated with correctional insulin. AANA Foundation State of the Science Oral Poster Presentation. Seattle, WA, August 9th, 2010.
- Friedman, E., Hekker, J., Pfruender, L., Fye, S., Hranchook, A., Pywell, C. (June 2018) Sugammadex for reversal of neuromuscular blockade: A retrospective analysis of clinical outcomes. Beaumont Health Anesthesia Grand Rounds, Royal Oak, MI. Oral Presentation.
- Presentations (Oral-Invited)
- Adair, B., Czarnowczan, S., Hranchook, A.M., Beauchamp, C. (2021). Geographical disparities & disbursement of Michigan anesthesia providers: a workforce study. MANA Board of Directors, April, 10, 2021.
- Everson, M., Wilbanks, B.A, Hranchook, A.M., Hirsch, M., Clayton, B.A., Jordan, L.M., Callan, V. (2021). From the operating room to the front lines: shared experiences of Nurse anesthetists during the coronavirus pandemic. AANA Foundation General Poster Session Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators, Austin, TX. Poster Presentation
- Couture, E., Hranchook, A.M., Dunn, K. (October, 2019). CRNA attitudes and beliefs toward the use of the 2017 ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines for management of hypertension in the perioperative setting. MANA Fall Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Couture, E., Hranchook, A.M., Dunn, K. (August, 2019). CRNA attitudes and beliefs toward the use of the 2017 ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines for management of hypertension in the perioperative setting. AANA Foundation State of the Science Oral Presentation, Chicago, Illinois, Poster Presentation.
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (February, 2019). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. AANA Foundation General Poster Session Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators, Houston, TX.
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (May, 2018). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists Spring Meeting, Motor City Casino, Detroit, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Golinski, M., and Hranchook, A. (May, 2018). Adverse events during cosmetic surgery: A thematic analysis of closed claims. Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists Spring Meeting, Motor City Casino, Detroit, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Bittinger, , Dunn, K., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (May, 2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress level among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists Spring Meeting, Motor City Casino, Detroit, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Bittinger, A., Dunn, K., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (April, 2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress level among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, Toledo, Ohio. Oral Platform Presentation.
- Bittinger, A., Dunn, K., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (April, 2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress level among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Oakland University School of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau Theta Psi Chapter 15th Annual Research Day, Rochester, MI. Oral Platform Presentation.
- Hranchook, A., Beauchamp, C., Aulicino, M., Palmer, T. & Koerber. Comparative efficacy of ondansetron and dolasetron in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. AANA Foundation State of the Science General Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA, August, 2001.
- Grants
- Hranchook, A. (2022). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant $30,278.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2021). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant $32,721.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2020). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. $32,185.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2019). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. ($29, 605.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2018). AANA Foundation Oral Poster Award. ($1000.00) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2018). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. ($73,517.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2017). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. ($24,192.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2017). Oakland University Research Committee Faculty Research Grant ($1,100) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2017). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. ($26,992.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2016). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant. ($27,938.00/1 year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2015). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant., ($30, 408.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2014). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant., ($34, 415.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2013). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant., ($31, 260.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Hranchook, A. (2012). Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship. Health Resources and Services Administration Federally Funded Grant., ($28, 504.00/1year) – Funded. PI: Anne Hranchook.
- Abstracts
- Everson, M., Wilbanks, B.A, Hranchook, A.M., Hirsch, M., Clayton, B.A., Jordan, L.M., Callan, V. (2021). From the operating room to the front lines: shared experiences of Nurse anesthetists during the coronavirus pandemic. AANA Foundation 2021 Poster Abstracts
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (2019). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. 2019 Poster Abstracts-Assembly of Didactic & Clinical Educators A1. Retrieved from
- Golinski, M., and Hranchook, A. (2019). Adverse events during cosmetic surgery: A thematic analysis of closed claims. 2019 Poster Abstracts-Assembly of Didactic & Clinical Educators A2. Retrieved from
- Couture, E., Hranchook, A.M., Dunn, K. (2019). CRNA attitudes and beliefs toward the use of the 2017 ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines for management of hypertension in the perioperative setting. AANA Foundation 2019 Poster Abstracts A17.
- Hranchook, A.M., Jordan, L.M., Everson, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthews, R. (2018). A content and thematic analysis of closed claims resulting in death. AANA Foundation 2018 Poster Abstracts A1. Retrieved from
- Golinski, M., and Hranchook, A. (2017). Adverse events during cosmetic surgery: A thematic analysis of closed claims. AANA Foundation 2017 Poster Abstracts A1. Retrieved from
- Hranchook, A., Masser, A., and Pappow, K. (2016). Clinical teaching behaviors: A comparison of CRNA and SRNA opinions regarding effectiveness and frequency of use. AANA Foundation 2016 Poster Abstracts A27. Retrieved from
- Hranchook, A., Penprase, B., & Piscotty, R. (2014). Mobile computing devices in the practice of nurse anesthesia: An exploration of uses and impact on care. AANA Foundation 2014 Poster Abstracts A45. Retrieved from
- Drews, H., Brentin, S., Ersig, C., Trent, A., Harrison, B., Rosenblatt, S., Omran, F., Dukatz, T., Han, R., Hranchook, A., Mileto, L., Balasubramaniam, M. (2010). Perioperative hypoglycemia development in patients with diabetes: Comparing risks of patients presenting with low normal fasting preoperative blood glucose to those with high fasting preoperative blood glucose treated with correctional insulin (abstract). In: Supplement to AANA Journal for the State of the Science Oral and General Poster Sessions held in Seattle, Washington, August 7-11, 2010, AANA Journal, 78(5), 421. Abstract A3.
Professional Affiliations:
- American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.