Lynda Poly-Droulard, Ed.D., MSN, M.Ed, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor of Practice
Human Health Building, Room 3046
Phone: 248-364-8757
[email protected]
Dr. Poly-Droulard has been a faculty member since 2002 and is a Certified Nurse Educator through the National League for Nursing. Her research focuses on caring science in patient care/nursing education and holistic admissions at the university level.
Clinical Expertise:
Dr. Poly-Droulard’s expertise includes cardiac and emergency department nursing and innovative nursing education with simulation as a teaching/learning tool.
- Ed.D – Oakland University
- MSN – Oakland University
- M.Ed – Wayne State University
- BSN – Oakland University
Research Area Interests:
- Caring Science in Patient Care
- Nursing Education and Civility in Nursing Practice and Education
Hernandez, J. (PI), Johnson, A., Poly-Droulard, L., (Faculty Partner). Groomes, D. (2021). Training first responders and health care providers to improve mental health recovery and resilience. Sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Proposed funding for $125,000 renewable for 5 years. Submitted February 5, 2021. (20 % design and writing). Decision: Not selected.
Munyan, K., Noack, D., Poly-Droulard, L. (Faculty Partner). (2021, estimated completion
December, 2024). Establishing a Mobile Skills Trainer Library for Undergraduate Students.
Oberhauser Nursing Instruction Endowment. Funded $10,000. (10% contribution to writing and
Poly-Droulard, L. (Primary Investigator). (2013-2014). Innovative Pedagogy for the Adult Learner: Flipped Classroom. Oakland University Innovation in Teaching Grant from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. (100% design and writing). Awarded $3000.00.
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed articles/manuscripts)
Cameron, P., Grobbel, C., Poly-Droulard, L., Thomas-Powell, A., Ruthenberg, S. (2022). In Pursuit
of Holistic Admissions at Oakland University. The Future of Nursing in Michigan, 8(1). 10-11.
(35% contribution to writing and revisions).
Davis, R., Grobbel, C., Mallette, C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020). Social Justice as an
Expression of Caring Through Holistic Admissions in a Nursing Program. Nursing Forum, 2020, 55(4), 723-729. (10% contribution to writing and revisions).
Grobbel, C., van Wynsberghe, A., Davis, R., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2018). Designing
nursing care practices complemented by robots: Ethical implications and application of caring
frameworks. International Journal of Human Caring. 23(2). 132-140.
(10% contribution to writing and revisions).
Penprase, B., Monahan, J., Poly-Droulard, L., & Prechewski, S. (2016). Student immersion in
perioperative nursing. AORN, 103(2), 189-197.
(35% contribution to writing and revisions).
Grobbel, C., Piscotty, R., Holka, K., Poly-Droulard, L., & Binge, A. (2016). An assessment of
personal, professional, and leadership values of nursing students: Defining a path towards becoming a caring professional. International Journal of Human Caring, 20(4). 193-196 (10% contribution to writing and revisions).
PUBLICATIONS (Book chapter)
Grobbel, C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2024) Accepted. Extraordinary Medical-Surgical Nurses. In Z.
Wolf & M. E. Wright (Eds.), Extraordinary nursing: Multiple roles, caring practices. (pp.
[Forthcoming]. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Initiated by Z. Wolf & M. E. Wright.
(50% contribution to writing and revisions).
PUBLICATIONS (Book chapter mention)
Moore, C., (2023). Contributor. Mobile-Mindful Teaching and Learning. Harnessing the Technology That Students Use Most. Stylus Publishing, LLC. (Mention). Mobile learning basic skills and content. (pp.38-39, 120).
Grobbel, C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2024, June 23). Incorporating caring abilities
inventory into a holistic nursing admission process. [Conference session]. 45th Annual
IAHC Conference: Gathering Anew in Community: Celebrating Innovations in Caring
Science. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, United States. Podium Presentation. (50% contribution to writing and revisions).
Poly-Droulard, L. & Grobbel, C., (2024, April 16). Incorporating caring abilities inventory into a
holistic nursing admissions process. [Research Day]. Sigma Theta Tau-At Large Chapter Research Day. Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States. Poster presentation. (50% contribution to writing and revisions).
Grobbel, C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2023, March 30). Using holistic admissions to redesign the
nursing workforce. [Conference session]. National League for Nursing (NLN) Nursing Education Research Conference. Washington, D.C., United States. Poster presentation. (50% contribution to writing and revisions).
Grobbel. C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, February 1). Designing nursing care practices
that include using caring and ethical frameworks. Poster presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Nurses Doctoral Education Conference. Naples, FL. Podium presentation. (50% contribution to writing and revisions).
Yates, J., Hernandez, J., Holka, K., Munyan, K., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, April 13). Service in
higher education. Oakland University – The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, April 13). CETL FDI wrap-up. Oakland University - The Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Hanna, D., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, March 16). Developing your research, scholarship, and
creative activities. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, March 16). CETL resources. Oakland University - The Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Hanna, D., Bongers, N., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, February 16). Teaching in higher education.
Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, February 16). Effective classroom strategies: Part 2. Oakland University
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Ableser, A., Choa, R., Battistuzzi, F., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, January 19). Seeking a position in
higher education. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2021, January 19). Effective classroom strategies: Part 1. Oakland University –
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Ableser, J., Lewis, B., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, December 15). Creating a plan to embed civility
and compassion in the classroom. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching
and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Kennedy, P., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, November 24). Turbulent times and the classroom
environment. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, November 10). Effective Communication During Challenging
Times/Civility and Compassion. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and
Learning. Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, November 10). Trauma-informed pedagogy. Oakland University - The
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
McIntosh, G., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, October 27). Digging deeper: foster mutual respect –
humility/grace- empathy – inclusion. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI
Battistuzzi, F. & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, October 21). Teaching Virtual Labs and Simulations
Online. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester,
Grobbel, C., & Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, October 13). Best practices of civility, compassion, and
community. Oakland University - The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Rochester, MI.
Poly-Droulard, L. (2020, September 16). Civility begins with you. Oakland University - The Center
for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Rochester, MI.
Professional Affiliations:
- Oakland University Hispanic Faculty Association
- Sigma Theta Tau International - Theta Psi Chapter - Governance - Board Member
- National League of Nurses
- American Nurse Association
- National Hispanic Nurse Association
- Registered Nurses Association in Michigan
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.