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Nightingale Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Nomination Form Tips: Do's and Don’ts


  • Read through the entire Nomination Form before starting to fill it out. Especially the Directions. Forward and Back buttons at the bottom of the screen will allow you to navigate through the form. 
  • Make sure all parts of the form are complete before clicking the submit button. You will have the ability to partially enter responses, close out of the form and re-access your responses using the same web browser as long as your nomination has not been submitted. 
  • Be specific and provide Qualitative (data/metrics) information to describe how the individual’s achievements have had an impact.
  • Ensure the nominee’s education and current work title fits in the award category.
  • Be concise – don’t be vague! “They are such a great nurse!” is not enough for a high scoring nomination.
  • Ask us for help if you need it.


  • Don’t repeat the same examples in Achievement 1 and Achievement 2, they will both be scored separately.
  • Don’t forget to upload  the signed Supervisor Support Form. The nomination will not be considered without it.

Nightingale Award Nomination Form Frequently Asked Questions

Why nominate a nurse for a Nightingale award?
The prestigious Nightingale Awards provide an opportunity for Michigan Health Care Organizations to recognize exceptional nurses within their organization who demonstrate leadership traits and routinely go above and beyond to deliver quality nursing care. Nurses are recognized for their achievements by both being nominated and by potentially winning. Awards are presented annually at the Nightingale Awards Show sponsored by Oakland University School of Nursing. Winners in 10 different categories each win $1000 cash prize and a bronze Florence Nightingale statue made by local artisan.

What makes for a winning nomination?
Nominations that are detailed and descriptive with specific measurable achievements in nursing with examples of measurable outcomes from the past two years. Nominations that include metrics and quantifying project results, when available, are given higher scores.

Who can nominate?
A peer, coworker, manager, or executive within the nurse’s organization.

Can you select more than one nursing award category for the same nominee?
Yes. A nominator can select a couple of different categories that may apply to the nominee. In order to better support the nomination, the Selection Committee may re-categorize the nomination. Please pay attention to the description of the requirements for each category before you pick one that you think that is most applicable to the nominee.

Can I make a change to my Nomination after I start filling out the online form?
You will have the ability to partially enter responses on the online nomination form and re-access your responses using the same web browser as long as your nomination has not been submitted. Your information will be saved until you get to the end and agree that it is complete, then click on the button saying the nomination is complete and you are ready to submit. If for some reason your online nomination form has been submitted before you are ready, simply re-complete the form fully and contact nightingale@oakland.edu to explain.

How many awards are given out for each category?
A Winner and a Runner up will be selected for each of the 10 different categories.

How is the People’s Choice Award Nomination form different?
The People's Choice Award nominations come from patients, friends of patients and or family members of patients, who wish to recognize a special nurse who has impacted their lives in a meaningful way.

Patients, family members of patients can share their personal story and tell how the care that they or a loved one received from a nurse helped to make a meaningful difference in your life.

How are Nightingale Awards nominations judged?
Nominations that are complete and received before the deadline will reviewed and scored by the members of the Nightingale Nomination Committee. The Committee is made up of nursing representatives from each of the major healthcare systems.

When will award winners be announced and when should they expect to receive their awards?
The award winners and runners-up will be determined by early March. Winners will be contacted by phone and emailed, runners-up will be emailed.  All nominees will be emailed by mid-March notifying them that they were nominated for a Nightingale Award.

Who do I contact if I have a question about the nomination process?
Please contact nightingale@oakland.edu with any questions.

Nightingale Award Nomination Form TIPS

Read through the online nomination form completely before starting to fill out the form.

It’s beneficial to read through the SAMPLE SUBMISSIONS included on the online nomination form. The samples of past successful Nightingale Award submissions were selected because they were well composed and met the criteria in a compelling way.

Write out your narratives before filling out the online form.
It’s advised to write out the narratives for Section B and C: Achievement #1 and #2 as well the Leadership Contributions section in a separate document, then cut and paste your copy into the online form. Be sure to not exceed the allotted character maximum for each section.

Write quality examples of the nominee’s achievements in nursing.
Include specific, measurable achievements, and measurable outcomes for the achievements. Identify something that relates to the category that best exemplifies the person’s Achievements in the past two years, using specific examples, numbers, facts, data, rather than generalizations. Evidence included and articulated in the Achievements Sections should be specific enough to demonstrate the nominee’s significant contributions to the profession of nursing.