Professional Advisers Council

[email protected]
For students:

Two women seated at a table smiling and talking.

Advising Highlights

  • Oakland University has over 60 professional academic advisers across six schools and colleges and a First Year Advising Center.
  • Minimum qualifications to become an academic adviser at Oakland University include the completion of a master’s degree - usually in student affairs administration, counseling, or a related field.
  • Professional advisers manage a caseload model, meaning each undergraduate student at Oakland University has an assigned academic adviser to support them at every point of their journey.
  • First year students are assigned an adviser in the First Year Advising Center, and will transition to an adviser in their major’s school or college in their second year and remain there through graduation.
  • Advisers create personalized recommended schedules for every student on their caseload, many in Degree Works, a web-based system allowing for easy adjustments and access for students to review and track progress.
  • Advisers first meet with students at their New or Transfer Student Orientation to explain program requirements and ensure their first semester at Oakland starts them on a path to success.
  • Some advising offices require students to meet with their adviser every semester or academic year. In offices without minimum meeting requirements, students are encouraged to meet with their adviser at least once per year.
  • Over 90% of professional advisers have completed the six modules of the Oakland Adviser Training Academy (OATA).