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Student Congress

Oakland University Student Congress strives to represent the student body and increase pride and unity on campus through dynamic leadership, a commitment to diversity, and an ongoing devotion to the quality of university life. We aim to meet the needs and address the concerns of our fellow students and encourage students to voice their ideas to help us create the best possible "Oakland experience".

Visit OUSC on GrizzOrgs at https://oaklandu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/student-congress.

Executive Board


Jimena Garcia
Student Body President
[email protected]


Marion Brumer
Student Body Vice President
[email protected]


Ethan Lehman-Pace
Director of Executive Platform
[email protected]


Gio Liotti
Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) Chair
[email protected]

Nicholas Skinner
Director of Sustainability
[email protected]


Taylor Richardson
Director of Internal Affairs
[email protected]


Valerie Aljajawi
Director of Student Advocacy


Legislative Members

Marcus Johnson
Speaker of the Legislature
[email protected]

J Cooper Smith
Legislative Majority Leader 
[email protected]

Rose Smith
Judiciary Chair
[email protected]

Alex Verzillo
Steering Chair
[email protected]

Lance Markowitz
Commuter Support Chair
[email protected]
Jeffery Childs
[email protected]

Allison Drzewiecki
[email protected]

Emily Lunger
[email protected]
Asia Mays
[email protected]
Daniela Meson
[email protected]

Victoria Ouding
[email protected]

DJ Williams
[email protected]

Mackenzie Smith
[email protected]

Alex Verzillo
[email protected]

Ben Wolf
[email protected]

Tyler Wykhuis
[email protected]

Other Members

Jean Ann Miller 
[email protected]
Jessie Hurse
[email protected]


If you are interested in getting involved with Oakland University's Student Congress for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact us at [email protected] for more information. If you are interested in joining a specific committee, contact the person named at the end of each committee posting.

Elections Commission
The Elections commission is a group of students working with the Administrative Assistant during the election season. The Commission is responsible for various tasks related to the candidates throughout the elections in addition to events such as the Elections Kickoff, and the President and Vice President debates. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected]

Scholarship Committee
The scholarship committee is a group of creative and motivated individuals creating new scholarships and awards for OU students. These scholarships can help a graduating senior get their bachelor's degree or help a new freshman out financially. These scholarships include academics, athletics, financial hardships, leaderships, and many more! Be more involved around campus and join the Scholarship Committee. This is your chance to give back! Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Judiciary Committee
The Judiciary Committee serves as the judicial branch of the congress. As such, it is responsible for making sure that the congress is following the rules and regulations outlined in our constitution and bylaws. Typically the committee convenes on a weekly basis to review any absences filed by legislators, and discuss the current happenings of the congress. When needed, the judiciary committee is responsible for bringing together the official court, which will pass judgment on issues regarding the constitution. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Research and Review Committee
The Research and Review Committee looks into problems or issues that the Legislature brings forth to it, can pass issues to other committees where the topic pertains, submits feedback and reports on various issues or researched initiatives, and assists the Student Body President in assigning legislators to any University-wide committees. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected]

Civic Affairs Committee
Interested in politics? As a committee member, you would have the opportunity to research student issues for lobbying efforts as well as take part in vote registration drives. This committee can also meet and work with Student Governments at the state and federal level. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Marketing Committee
As a committee member, you would assist the Director of Marketing in brainstorming different promotions, post fliers throughout campus, and pass out promotions in the Oakland Center when OUSC has events coming up. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected]

Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Oakland University accepts and celebrates all students of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and ethnicity. As a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, you would be engaged in actively representing every student group on campus while pursuing University-wide policy change and initiatives that are aimed at transforming Oakland University. If you want to push your university forward and be a part of change on campus, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee welcomes you with open arms and mind. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Student Services Committee
As a member of this committee you will work alongside the Director of Student Services to resolve any concerns students may have during their time here at Oakland. At the meetings, committee initiatives are discussed, project liaisons give updates, and the members propose new initiative ideas. If you have a desire to make a lasting impact with your time here at Oakland University, this committee invites you to help us bring about positive change. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Campus Health Committee
The Campus Health Committee gives students a chance to advocate for healthy living and environmentally awareness. Members of the Campus Health Committee can engage in committee meetings, participate in committee events, and get involved with various initiatives. Contact [email protected] for more information on joining. 

Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee consists of students interested in events and initiatives promoting campus wide sustainability as well as dedication to advancing Oakland University's environmental health. For interest in joining, contact the OUSC general email at [email protected].

Steering Committee
Most public governing bodies have a steering committee. It is the duty of the Steering Committee to compile the agenda that is used for all University Student Congress General Body Meetings. Members of the committee would decide whether or not proposed items (such as bills, proposals and member approvals) should be placed on the upcoming agenda based on bylaws, constitution, etc. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected]

Archival Committee
The Archival Committee of the Oakland University Student Congress was originally established in 2005 under the direction of Former Student Body President Michael McGuinness for the purpose of maintaining the paper trail of Student Government records for each administration. The committee is also responsible for preserving all student government history and maintaining a connection between the current administration and alumni of the Student Government. Contact the OUSC general email at [email protected] for more information on joining.

Our vision

With every initiative we undertake, we aim to enhance campus life, advocate for underprivileged groups, and reduce the cost of attendance at Oakland University for all students. Listed below are our recent accomplishments, our current initiatives, and our goals for the future.


Cost reducing programs

  • Trash the Textbooks Campaign: In Fall of 2021, the Romano-Farooqi administration began its advocacy for cheaper course materials at Oakland University through a petition addressed to OU leadership, a $5,000 donation to the Affordable Course Materials Initiative (ACMI), and 30 individual scholarships for students in nee. The petition garnered almost 800 signatures and encouraged the university to pledge additional funds to the ACMI program. The petition can be viewed here.
  • Free Menstrual Products Initiative: The Romano-Farooqi administration has worked diligently with OU leadership and the American Association of University Women at OU (AAUW-OU) to provide all students with free, quality, and easily accessible menstrual products. Menstrual product dispenser machines have been installed in the OC and products will be available in the Rec Center, the Library, and Residence Halls starting in Fall 2022.
  • Strive for 45 Postcard Campaign: Throughout Summer 2022, OUSC lobbied the Michigan Legislature through a postcard campaign to raise the state allocation per student to $4,500 for OU. Greater funding from the state means more scholarship opportunities, student activities, and resources on campus. 

Advocacy & Inclusion

  • AAUP x OUSC Labor Panel: In March 2022, OUSC collaborated with the AAUP (the professor's union at OU) to host the first labor event on campus hosted by students and faculty. The event featured speakers from various unions and organizations with a heavy focus on supporting the rights of workers in the modern era of labor suppression.
  • Mask Mandate Survey: Before OU changed its COVID-19 policies, OUSC partnered with the Oakland Post to provide students with the opportunity to make their voices heard and share their opinions on OU's masking policies.
  • Pronoun pins: OUSC consistently provides pronoun pins to all OU community members in an effort to create a more inclusive campus environment. Anyone can receive a pin at the OUSC office or during OUSC tabling events.
  • Food Pantry support: To make food accessible for everyone in the OU community and reduce food insecurity on campus, OUSC routinely provides funding for the Food Pantry in the Oakland Center. The Romano-Farooqi administration continues to advocate for greater space and resources to be made available to the Food Pantry.

Campus Enrichment

  • Pollinator, CASE-OU & OUSC Garden: In April 2022, OUSC collaborated with the Pollinator Conservation Organization at OU and CASE-OU to establish the first native plant pollinator garden on OU's main campus in front of Kresge Library. 
  • Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) Reforms: Before the end of the Winter 2022 semester, OUSC passed reforms to the SAFB bylaws that provided additional opportunities for the funding of the programs, activities, and initiatives of student organizations while adding necessary oversight to SAFB to ensure it's operating efficiently, effectively, and ethically. OUSC is continuing to build more ways to redirect student tuition dollars back to student organizations. 

In progress

  • GSC Library donation: To support the LGBTQ+ community, OUSC is working on donating ~$500 worth of books requested by the Gender & Sexuality Center for their library that will be available to all students.
  • Font Policy: The Romano-Farooqi administration aims to work with faculty and OU leadership to establish font policies that are inclusive for all students. OUSC implemented its own font policy in the summer of 2021 that requires all documents to be readable for all members.
  • Election Day Policy: To enhance maximum voter participation, OUSC seeks to establish a university-wide policy that cancels classes on Election Days to ensure all students have the opportunity to cast their vote.
  • Inclusive Programming: OUSC is working to create a more inclusive and comfortable campus environment by diversifying the programming at OU. OUSC is collaborating with stakeholders in the OU community to host Indigenious Heritage Week, Arab Heritage Week, and Asian Heritage Week. 

Future Goals

  • Voter engagement: OUSC seeks to register students to vote and mobilize the student body ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. OU achieved a student voter turnout rate of 73.4% in 2020 and OUSC aims to sustain or increase that level of turnout. Information on voting in Michigan is available at the "Civic Engagement" tab.
  • OU Worker Advocacy: The employees of Oakland University are the backbone of our community. Whether they be student workers, faculty, or staff, OU could not exist without the work its employees do. OUSC aims to increase wages for all campus employees, improve workplace conditions, and advocate for changes that are made to the workplace to be determined by the workers.
  • Inclusive Dining: OUSC aims to work with Chartwells to provide dining options for students that are inclusive of all dietary needs and restrictions.
  • Beautifying Campus: In addition to the pollinator garden, OUSC seeks to continue investing in initiatives that will beautify campus and expand campus sustainability.

As of summer 2012, a Scantron machine is available in the lower level of the Oakland Center across from the Barnes and Noble Bookstore. This Scantron vending machine offers school supplies such as pencils, note cards, headphones, and much more.

In the fall of 2014, Student Congress has expanded this initiative and began offering free Scantrons to students. We ask that to receive a Scantron, students follow us on social media sites (Grizz Orgs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) so they see our updates. Students who come to the Student Congress office can receive two Scantrons for free, everyday. If our office is closed, our Scantron machine is right down the hall! We offer the following types of scantrons for free:

  • 882-E (long green scantron)
  • 815-E (short green scantron)
  • Blue Books

Student Congress also offers free printing for students! Everyday students are eligible to print
up to 5 pages (front and back) in color or black and white. Visit the Student Congress office
during our business hours to utilize this cost-saving initiative!

Beginning every Fall and Winter semester, Student Congress’ Chief of Staff offers
free IClicker rentals. The rental registration is first come, first serve. Rentals are semester long
and eligible for renewal, contingent on necessity. Please visit our office at the beginning of the
semesters to inquire about the availability of IClickers. Any further questions, please contact Chief of Staff Abbie Austin at [email protected]

In the Oakland Center bathrooms, you will find baskets of free tampons and sanitary napkins.
We have the privilege of offering free menstrual hygiene products to any student. Visit us
whenever our office is open to receive free tampons and sanitary napkins. Please inform us if
our supply of tampons and sanitary napkins are running low in the Oakland Center bathrooms.

Visit us daily for a variety of giveaways, snacks, and school supplies for FREE!


  • Bear Bus and Bear Bus Tracking
  • 24-hour access to Kresge Library
  • Increased Minimum Wage for Student Employees
  • On-Campus Accessibility Enhancements
  • Tuition Equality Policy for DACA Students
  • Voter Registration
  • Emergency Funding at Graham Health Center
  • Readership Program
  • Free Summer Recreation Access for Continuing Students and Recent Alums
  • Updated Locks in Academic Building
  • Affordable Educational Materials
  • Nightwatch parking passes 
  • Modification of Dean's list criteria
  • Scooter access on campus 

  • Mental health resources for students
  • COVID-19 student relief and support 
  • OER implementation and usage 
  • Transfer meal accessibility 

* More initiatives will be added to this list as OUSC progresses towards creating an
equitable environment for all Oakland University students.

Be sure to follow our OUSC social media (@ouscofficial on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) for the most current updates about our events and initiatives. 

Interested in becoming a legislator? The process is easier than ever before. To apply, simply fill out the OUSC Interest Form. 

We are giving away 30 free scholarships to aid in reducing the cost of college for students at OU. To apply, do any or all of the following:

  • Instagram Drawing - See our Instagram for directions on how to enter into a drawing for one of 10 $100 textbook scholarships here.

  • Textbook Survey - Fill out the following textbook survey to be entered to win one of the 10 $150 textbook scholarships here.

  • Textbook Testimonial - To be entered to win one of 10 $200 textbook scholarships, write a one page (or less) statement about your experience purchasing course materials. This can include the impact of the financial burden, difficulty accessing materials, or anything else. Submit your completed testimonial here.

You may apply for any/all these scholarships even if you have already purchased textbooks for this semester. If you have any questions about textbook scholarships, please contact [email protected].

Additionally, to help OUSC's push for free/reduced cost course materials at OU, sign our petition here. 

To view our public documents, such as our Constitution and Bylaws, please visit our page on GrizzOrgs: https://oaklandu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/student-congress/documents

Agendas and Minutes
To request meeting agendas and/or minutes, please email your requests to Jimena Garcia at [email protected]

Budget Sheets
To request budget sheets, please email your requests to Murryum Farooqi at [email protected].

Voting in Michigan

Make sure you’re eligible to vote

You must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • 18 years old on or before election day
  • At least a 30 day resident of the Michigan city or township you are voting in.

Be registered to vote

You can register:

  • BY MAIL: You can mail your completed application to your local clerk’s office 15 days or more before an election. 
  • IN PERSON: You can register in person 15 or more days before election day by completing a voter registration application and turning it into your local clerk’s office.
  • IN PERSON: You can register in person 14 or fewer days before election day by turning in a completed voter registration application AND presenting proof of Michigan residency (a driver's license or state ID with your address on it) to your local clerk’s office.
  • IN PERSON: You can register in person on the day of an election by turning in a completed voter registration application to your local clerk’s office AND presenting proof of Michigan residency.
  • ONLINE: You can register online up to 15 days before the election. This is only available to those with a Michigan driver’s license or a valid Michigan state ID.

You can register to vote if you are 17 only if you turn 18 on or before election day, more information on early registration can be found here. You can find both online and paper voter registration applications online at www.mi.gov/vote.

* NOTE: it is best to be registered as early as possible to avoid any delays at your polling place.*

Vote absentee

Voting by mail allows you to cast your vote without going to your polling location. You can vote absentee:

  • BY MAIL: You must complete an absentee ballot application and turn it into your city clerk no later than 5pm the Friday before election day. Alternatively, you can fill out an online absentee ballot application. Once you receive your absentee ballot, you must turn your absentee ballot into your city clerk by no later than 8pm on election day.
  • IN PERSON: At your clerk’s office, you can fill out an absentee ballot up until 8pm on the day of the election.

Absentee ballots can be tracked and applications can be found at www.mi.gov/vote 

* NOTE: the Michigan Secretary of State's office recommends returning absentee ballots as quickly as possible to avoid mail delays. Absentee ballot applications are available 75 days before an election *

Vote in person

EARLY: You can go to your clerk’s office before any election to vote early. Early voting begins 40 days before an election.

ON ELECTION DAY: You can go to your polling place in person on Election Day to cast your ballot. 

Important Election Dates for Michigan

State Primary Election - August 2, 2022

State General Election - November 8, 2022

Local Elections - Various dates, check with your local clerk’s office.

Quick links

Check your voter registration status

View a sample ballot of the upcoming election

Read about voting laws and FAQs about voting in Michigan

Find your local clerk’s office

Find your polling place

Do you vote in another state? Find your election laws here

Have other questions?

If you have other questions about voting, visit www.mi.gov/vote or www.mi.gov/sos for more information. You can also contact the Oakland University Student Congress at [email protected] 

MI Vote Counts Video Series

Voter Registration Crash Course

Absentee Voting Crash Course

Voting at Your Polling Place

What kind of recycling system does OU use?

Oakland University uses single-stream recycling. All recyclables including paper, aluminum, cardboard, plastic, etc. are placed in a single bin and taken to a facility to be sorted and sent to manufacturers for reuse. This means that the materials must be collected correctly in order to prevent the contamination of the rest of the recyclables collected.

What can I recycle?

These are common materials found in your dorm that can be recycled.

  • Metal items include: tin, steel, and aluminum cans
  • Paper items include: paper (staples/clips are okay), envelopes with plastic windows, and wrapping paper (no glitter or foil)
  • Glass items include: clear glass food jars
  • Plastic items include: plastic pop, water, and other drink bottles are most common. Plastic tubs and lids (ex: yogurt), food bottles (ex: ketchup), and household bottles (ex: shampoo, laundry detergent) are accepted as well. Ensure these are all empty and clean before putting them in your bin.
  • Cardboard items include: tissue boxes, cereal boxes, etc.

What can I not recycle?

There are materials in your dorm that may be commonly mistaken for recyclables.

  • Metal items that cannot be recycled: Wire hangers, needles and syringes, screws and nails
  • Paper items that cannot be recycled: used paper towels, tissues, or napkins
  • Glass items that cannot be recycled: Lightbulbs
  • Plastic items must be rinsed and empty in order to be recycled. Plastic straws, lids, Ziploc bags, and chip bags are not recyclable. A good rule of thumb is that if it doesn't have a recyclable number, it is not accepted in your bin.
  • Cardboard items that cannot be recycled: Cardboard items with food residue, such as greasy pizza boxes.

Styrofoam, plastic bags, electronics, and batteries are also not recyclable. However, these items are able to be recycled at the self-service recycling drop-off center at SOCRRA, the Southeastern Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority. The full list of accepted recyclables can be found here


Office for Student Involvement

Oakland Center, Room 49
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2400

OSI Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OSI Service Window Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.