Office for Student Involvement
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2400
OSI Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
OSI Service Window Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Official Regulations
Approved by the Oakland University Student Congress Legislature on August 8, 2022.
Article I - Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) is as follows:
The Student Activities Funding Board is dedicated to serving the student body by providing funds to registered student organizations at Oakland University to aid in developing programs, initiatives, events, and other projects that benefit the student body, enhance life on campus, and encourage popular participation in student activities.
Article II - Definitions
- The term “majority” shall mean a number of votes in the affirmative being greater than half of those casting a vote. Unless another type of vote is specified, a majority vote is all that is required for Board action.
- The term “supermajority” shall mean a number of votes in the affirmative being equal to or greater than two-thirds (2/3) of those casting a vote.
- The term “quorum” shall mean more than half of the members currently on the Board, excluding the chairperson, being present. Quorum must be reached to take any vote unless otherwise specified.
Article III - Relationship with the Oakland University Student Congress
- The Board is a standing committee of the Oakland University Student Congress, hereafter referred to as the Congress. The Congress is responsible, by and through its own methods, for the following:
- Appointing and confirming the chairperson of the Board.
- Approving the student membership of the Board as appointed by the chairperson.
- Approving and reviewing these Regulations as often as necessary, or when requested by the chairperson of the Board on behalf of the Board.
- Removing the chairperson or any member of the Board.
- Monitoring the Board’s activities and ensuring fiscal and ethical responsibility.
- Providing funding for any internal Board-related expenses.
- Facilitating second appeals made by student organizations.
- The chairperson is required to submit regular reports to the Congress. The Congress may request further documentation and information regarding regular reports at its discretion. Regular reports include:
- Monthly reports of expenditures to be submitted in paper and/or electronic format.
- Semester summaries regarding Board actions and financial standing.
- Year-end evaluation and summary.
Article IV - Voting Procedures
- The chairperson is required to make a good-faith effort that the voting membership of the Board always has at least three (3) members.
- There is a maximum of six (6) members of the Board in addition to the associate chairperson.
- Members of the Board are appointed by the chairperson and must be approved by a majority vote of the legislative body of the Congress.
- The chairperson is responsible for appointing members to the Board in a timely manner to ensure proper votes can be taken.
- In the event that the Board consists with less than three (3) members, the chairperson shall have the authority, in consultation with the associate chairperson, to make executive decisions on all allocation decisions, appeals, hearings, and disciplinary actions during the Summer semester, as well as during any period of Board inactivity.
- The voting membership of the Board is as follows:
- The associate chairperson of the Board.
- The members of the Board.
- Should a member belong to an organization that has any action before the Board, the member’s vote is automatically counted as an abstention.
- The voting membership of the Board at no time may contain greater than three (3) members from any specific branch of the Congress.
- The chairperson of the Board may vote in the case of a tie but is otherwise a non-voting member.
- The voting membership of the Board may vote to approve, deny, contingently approve (approval on the basis of specified criteria), or table through a majority vote.
- The chairperson must comply with the decisions as approved by the Board, except as noted in these Regulations.
Article V - Authority, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Advisor to the Board
- The Advisor to the Board, henceforth referred to as the Advisor, is an administrative professional and a non-voting member of the Board that is appointed by the Office of Student Involvement (OSI).
- The Advisor is responsible for the following:
- Assisting the chairperson in all training programs.
- Consulting the Board on pertinent matters.
- Attending all Board meetings unless an emergency arises.
- Ensuring that all members of the Board maintain good academic and disciplinary standing in accordance with the University Student Congress Constitution and Bylaws.
- The Advisor is expected to:
- Understand and fulfill these regulations, addenda, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congress.
- Remain unbiased and neutral on all actions the Board undertakes insofar as the acts are not in violation of any of the rules or regulations codified in these Bylaws.
Article VI - Authority, Duties, and Responsibilities of the chairperson of the Board
- The chairperson is responsible for the following:
- Understanding and fulfilling these regulations, addenda, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congress.
- The interpretation of these Bylaws.
- The Judiciary Committee shall make final interpretations of these Bylaws where necessary.
- Ensuring that all allocation decisions are made in a fair, equitable, impartial, and timely manner, pursuant to these regulations.
- Handling the adjudication of all waiver requests pursuant to the corresponding rules and regulations.
- The Board may override the chairperson’s decisions regarding waivers by a majority vote.
- The scheduling and formal conduction of regular Board meetings as well as any special or emergency sessions or hearings.
- The chairperson has the authority to set the attendance policy for the Board. Consequences for a violation of the attendance policy shall be decided by the Judiciary Committee.
- All Board members must be allowed to utilize excused absences for meetings.
- The chairperson may permit the associate chairperson to conduct meetings in the chairperson’s absence.
- Maintaining all records for any action taken by the Board.
- The records from prior terms are required to be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years to comply with the University auditing policies.
- All records shall be submitted to the Congressional archives.
- Providing regularly updated records to the Advisor as well as the OSI Accounting Clerk on a weekly basis.
- Developing forms and procedures to fulfill the responsibilities of the Board as outlined in these regulations.
- The chairperson may require the usage of a specific type of form to meet funding requirements. If the chairperson designates the use of a new form to meet funding requirements, the use must be announced at the following General Body Meeting of the Congress.
- The Judiciary Committee may decide if the use of a specific type of form is not conducive to the funding of student activities and may require the chairperson to develop a new form.
- Conducting a minimum of one (1) training session per semester during the Academic Year for student organizations to attend.
- Attendance to these trainings may be required by the chairperson for an organization to maintain good standing with the Board.
- The Board may, with a supermajority vote, decide to hold additional training sessions per semester if necessary.
- Providing a copy of these regulations, as well as any addenda, to all student organizations in either paper and/or electronic format.
- Initiating the dismissal of any Board member through the procedures established by the Judiciary Committee.
Article VII - Authorities, Duties, and Responsibilities of the associate chairperson of the Board
- The associate chairperson shall be appointed by the chairperson within three (3) weeks after the chairperson's appointment (subject to the approval of the Congress).
- Should the associate chairperson position be vacant for any reason, a replacement must be appointed within three (3) weeks of the effective date of the vacancy as determined by the chairperson and approved by the Congress.
- The associate chairperson is responsible for the following:
- Attending all Board meetings in accordance with the Board’s attendance policy.
- Carrying out the duties of the chairperson in the Chair’s absence.
- In the event that the chairperson leaves their position, the associate chairperson will temporarily fulfill the vacant position as interim chairperson pursuant to these Bylaws until the Student Body President appoints a permanent replacement that is approved by the Legislature through a majority vote.
- Understanding and fulfilling these regulations, addenda, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congress.
- Dismissal or resignation of the associate chairperson
- The associate chairperson may be recommended for dismissal by the chairperson pursuant to the procedures established by the Judiciary Committee and the Bylaws of the Congress.
- The dismissal of the associate chairperson shall follow the same procedures outlined in the Bylaws of the Congress for dismissal of any member of the Executive branch.
- The associate chairperson may resign at any time by submitting their resignation to the chairperson in writing.
- The associate chairperson may be removed and/or may resign from the position of associate chairperson without being removed and/or resigning from being a member of the Board.
Article VIII - Authorities, Duties, and Responsibilities of Members of the Board
- Board members are responsible for the following:
- Understanding and fulfilling these regulations, addenda, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congress.
- Adhering to the attendance policy set forth by the chairperson of the Board unless an emergency prevents them from doing so or they receive an excused absence.
- Ensuring that the chairperson and the associate chairperson of the Board are exercising their authority and fulfilling their responsibilities completely, appropriately, and ethically.
- Board members shall report any responsibilities unfulfilled by the chairperson and/or the associate chairperson of the Board to the Judiciary Chair.
- The board may, at its sole discretion and by a unanimous vote plus the chairperson’s consent, override any of these regulations without a waiver being requested.
- The Board may not waive any of the regulations that bar it from funding the events and entities outlined in Article XI unless given unanimous consent from the Congress during a General Body Meeting.
- The board may, at its sole discretion and by a unanimous vote plus the chairperson’s consent, close funding for the funding period if allowed by a majority vote of the University Student Congress.
- At the Board’s discretion, creating a number of awards in recognition of outstanding performance by organizations.
- These awards may have monetary value if the Board so chooses.
- These awards should be granted once per year at the end of the Winter semester.
- The Board may add temporary addenda to these Bylaws by a supermajority vote of the Board that amend the regulations outlined in these Bylaws.
- Temporary addenda shall remain in these Bylaws for the duration of the Congressional Session of the University Student Congress or until the Legislature removes the addenda with legislation that receives a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote, whichever comes first.
- All temporary addenda made during the Congressional Session must be reported to the Congress by the chairperson at the next General Body Meeting.
- The Student Body President of the Congress is a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board.
- Dismissal or resignation of Board members.
- Board members may be recommended for dismissal by the chairperson pursuant to the procedures established by the Judiciary Committee and the Bylaws of the Congress.
- The dismissal of the Board members shall follow the same procedures outlined in the Bylaws of the Congress for dismissal of any member of the Executive branch.
- Any member may resign at any time by submitting a resignation to the chairperson in writing.
Article IX - Board Compensation
- All Board members must be compensated for their work and be paid an equal wage.
- Compensation for Board members must be included in the budget passed by the Congress on a semesterly basis. The Board may not allocate compensation for itself through the Board’s budget.
- The Board must pay its members a wage equal in amount to the wage set for members of the Congress.
- The Board’s compensation policy must not conflict with the compensation policy as outlined in the Bylaws of the Congress.
- Board members that are compensated through another position within the Congress may not be doubly compensated for their work on the Board.
Article X - Audits
- There are two types of audits that the Board may conduct:
- A general audit shall consist of a complete auditing of an organization's entire financial records.
- A specific audit call consists of a targeted auditing of a specific event put on by an organization.
- The Board shall conduct at random a minimum of five (5) general audits and fifteen (15) specific audits during each the Fall and Winter semesters.
- The Board may also at its sole discretion, conduct an unlimited number of general and/or specific audits, at random and or by selection.
- The Board must ensure that all purchases made with Board funding match the items approved during the funding request process.
- Audits on shopping receipts are to be conducted in collaboration with the OSI.
- The Board must perform yearly and semesterly audits of the equipment inventory of each organization.
- Yearly audits are to be conducted at the beginning of each academic year. Each organization must complete a Current Inventory form wherein they state the current Board-funded equipment in the organization’s possession before receiving any new equipment funding.
- Semesterly audits are to be conducted at the end of each semester. All organizations are required to report the Board-funded equipment currently in their possession to continue receiving equipment funding for following semesters.
- The chairperson and/or their designee(s) is/are responsible for conducting the audits.
Article XI - Funding Methods and Regulations
- The Board shall, at the beginning of each semester, determine a fixed maximum overall funding quota for all organizations, unless otherwise specified by the Board, for each of the following categories for that semester:
- Food and Professionals
- Equipment
- Giveaways
- Conferences
- The Board shall publicly announce the fixed maximum overall funding quota for the following semester at least ten (10) days before the end of the current funding period.
- The Board may, at its sole discretion, add supplementary funding quotas as necessary, pursuant to this regulation.
- The Board may, at its sole discretion, give additional funding to organizations that engage in community service.
- For every 50 collective hours an organization volunteers, they are eligible to receive $100 in additional funding in a category of their choice.
- Organizations may receive up to $500 in additional funding per semester.
- The Board must make the requirements for receiving reward funding public and the funding must be available to all organizations.
- The criteria for reward funding may be established at the Board’s discretion and may be amended by a unanimous vote of the Board once throughout any given semester.
- Community service hours must be verified through the Office for Student Involvement.
- The Board may, at its sole discretion, and at any time and for any reason, approve or deny any allocation request.
- The Board may, at its sole discretion and for any reason, rescind any funds previously approved as necessary.
- All allocation requests shall be considered on a rolling basis.
- The Board may, at its sole discretion, deny any request where the appropriate paperwork is not submitted simultaneously unless previously approved by the chair; pursuant to this regulation.
- The Board should make reasonable accommodations for organizations that may have forgotten or been unaware that a certain piece of paperwork is required.
- If an organization primarily uses specific categories and reaches their maximum, the Board may decide to allocate funding from unused categories to provide additional funding for needed categories.
- Purchase auditing and consequences:
- All items purchased with Board funding must be approved by the Board. If an organization purchases items with Board funding that were not approved by the Board, they will be double charged for the cost of the item from their FLEX account.
- If an organization is approved for funding and cannot find their desired item during an in-store purchase, the organization may purchase a similar-cost equivalent.
- The Board is barred from providing funding for any of the following:
- Requests for funding that are after-the-fact for events or other purchases. The Board does not reimburse for expenses without an allocation approved prior to the expenses being incurred.
- Any property or supplies that can be obtained from the university at little or no charge, or any items that are determined by the Board to be unnecessary.
- Any expenses that are incurred from unlicensed vendors without prior approval from the appropriate Oakland University offices.
- Any faculty or administrative departments, centers, special academic programs, outreach programs, or concentrations.
- Any organizations within the Student Activity Fund Assessment Committee.
- Any activities pertaining to the campaigns of any candidate for any office, be it at the University, local, state, and/or federal level.
- Any uniforms, clothing, and/or other articles of attire, except where these Bylaws allow.
- Gifts and/or handouts of any nature, except where these bylaws allow.
- Any event that raises any funds whatsoever, including for philanthropic causes unless the purpose for those funds is to pay off the costs of the event.
- Any event that is held off-campus unless the event will both enrich the Oakland University community and cannot be feasibly conducted on-campus.
- The Board shall not fund any event held at a restaurant.
- Any event where preferential treatment is given to one group of individuals and not all Oakland University students.
- Any event that is scheduled for official Oakland University holidays and/or vacation periods.
- The Board will partially fund delivery/shipping, handling fees, and/or tips.
- The Board will fund tips up to 10% for takeout, 10% for delivery, 15-20% for in person, and 20% for ground transportation through discretionary funds.
- The Board will fund up to $20 in ground shipping for approved budget requests that include a shipping cost.
- The Board will not fund expedited or upgraded shipping.
- In no case shall Oakland University students be required to pay any price to attend any event utilizing Board funds.
Article XII - Food and Professionals
- The maximum food and speakers funding quota per organization shall be a fixed amount equal to three-tenths (3/10) of the overall funding eligibility as decided per semester unless otherwise specified by the Board.
- Speaker regulations are as follows:
- No member and/or advisor of a particular organization can be defined as a speaker for a meeting of that same organization.
- No Oakland University students and/or student organizations may be defined as a speaker unless pre-approved by a majority vote of the Board.
- The Board shall, on a case-by-case basis and at its sole discretion, decide if the speaker and/or specific activity requirement has been fulfilled.
- Food that will be served and consumed in the Oakland Center must be purchased from the designated caterer in accordance with OSI policy unless a waiver is offered by the Oakland Center.
- Food purchased with Board funding may be served at the discretion of the organization but must not violate any policy of the Board, OSI, or Oakland University.
Article XIII - Equipment
- The maximum equipment funding quota per organization shall be a fixed amount equal to four-tenths (4/10) of the overall funding eligibility as decided per semester unless otherwise specified by the Board.
- Equipment can include any machinery, parts, materials, or resources necessary to fulfill the duty and purpose of the student organization.
- Equipment includes marketing items such as banners, flyers, and office supplies.
- Equipment includes movie license purchases.
- All equipment purchased with Board funding is property of the Board and must be kept within the organization for posterity unless otherwise directed by the Board. Equipment may never be kept by individual organization members.
- Each semester, organizations must provide the Board with an itemized list of each piece of Board-funded equipment in the organization’s possession.
- If the organization loses or takes Board-funded equipment into their personal possession, the organization will be double charged for the item.
- At the start of each new academic year, each organization must complete a Current Inventory form to notify the Board of what equipment is in the organization’s possession.
- Failure to complete a Current Inventory form will result in the organization not having access to equipment funding.
- All reusable equipment purchased with Board funding must have a storage location on-campus and be available for other organizations to use. If an organization does not have a storage location, they must coordinate with the OSI to find space.
Article XIV - Giveaways
- The maximum conference funding quota per organization shall be a fixed amount equal to one-tenth (1/10) of the overall funding eligibility as decided per semester unless otherwise specified by the Board.
- Giveaways are any item that are intended to be purchased in bulk and distributed to the student body for promotional purposes or addressing a need identified by the organization.
- Giveaways may cost a maximum of $12.50 per item.
- Giveaways must be made available to all Oakland University students, free of charge.
Article XV - Conferences
- The maximum conference funding quota per organization shall be a fixed amount equal to two-tenths (2/10) of the overall funding eligibility as decided per semester unless otherwise specified by the Board.
- Funding requests for conference registrations must be submitted 21 days ahead of the early bird registration deadline.
- Requiring students to confirm attendance in advance does not constitute preferential treatment, so long as the signup date(s), time(s), and location(s) are publicized.
- The Board shall only fund the educational expenses of registration (for tournaments, conferences, etc.), based on the itemized conference breakdown required.
- The items the Board shall not fund in regards to registrations include, but are not limited to food, lodging, transport, and/or handouts.
- The Board shall only fund the fee associated with the earliest registration, any additional cost incurred for a later registration is the responsibility of the organization and/or attendees.
Article XVI - Special Projects Fund
- Each semester, the Board shall allocate funding to the Special Projects Fund for the funding of initiatives by a majority vote.
- Initiatives can be defined as any campaign, program, or advocacy undertaken by a student organization for the purpose of improving Oakland University or making the Oakland University community aware of issues afflicting the student body.
- Initiative funding may be used for purposes that may not apply to any specific category.
- The Board shall decide the maximum amount each organization can request from the Special Projects Fund.
- Organizations must apply for initiative funding through the forms established by the Board and do the following:
- Complete any form required by the Board for Special Projects funding.
- Provide a clear statement of purpose for their desired initiative.
- Provide a detailed breakdown of how Board funding will be used.
- Present their initiative to the Board and participate in a mandatory hearing conducted by the Chairperson of the Board.
- Initiative funding is granted to organizations if approved by a majority vote of the Board.
- Limitations and regulations for the funding of initiatives:
- Initiatives must be focused primarily on improving or raising awareness of specific issues at Oakland University or issues impacting other communities that Oakland University students may aid in resolving.
- The Board’s funds may not be used to support any candidates’ campaign for political office.
- Any funding that an organization receives for an initiative is in addition to their overall maximum funding quota and does not detract from receiving funding for any other category.
- Organizations that receive initiative funding must provide the Board with monthly updates on the progress on their initiative as specified by the Chairperson of the Board.
Article XVII - Appeals and Rehearings
- Any organization may request an appeal of any decision made by the Board.
- First appeals go to the Board for a rehearing.
- First appeals must be submitted to the chairperson within seven (7) days of the Board’s initial decision.
- Any organization may request a second appeal after a first appeal decision has been made by the Board. All second appeals will be referred to the Research and Review Committee for a rehearing.
- Appeals must be submitted within seven (7) days of the Board’s decision of the first appeal to the Research and Review Committee Chair.
- Appeals must be presented to the Committee during an official Committee meeting.
- The student organization must be offered a chance to speak on their own behalf regarding the reason for the appeal. The Chairperson of the Board is allowed to send a delegate from the Board to explain their reason for the decision of the appeal.
- For an organization’s funding request to be approved following a second appeal hearing, the Committee must vote to approve the request by a supermajority vote.
Article XVIII - Waivers
- Organizations may, under undue circumstances, request a waiver of any Board regulation by using an official waiver request form, to be developed by the chairperson of the Board.
- All such requests must include the specific regulation that the waiver is being requested for.
- All such requests must be made independently for each individual waiver being requested.
- The chairperson shall report any waiver requests and their decisions on said requests at the next Board meeting following the decisions made.
- The Board may overturn the chairperson’s decisions with a majority vote.
Article XIX - Provisions for Registered Student Organizations (RSO)
- All requests must enrich the campus life and be free and open to all Oakland University student organizations.
- The President and Treasurer of each organization are required to complete a training session as scheduled by the Board.
- Online and in-person training sessions should be made available by the Board for student organizations to attend.
- All organizations seeking funding from the Board are required to remain in good financial standing with Oakland University.
- If an organization falls into bad financial standing, the Board may not assist the organization in returning to good financial standing.
- All organizations shall have the same maximum funding quotas regardless of membership size, purpose, goals, or any other discerning factors.
- Any organization requesting an amount greater than that permitted by the set funding quotas without an approved waiver may have that portion of its request denied.
- All original receipts and/or invoices for purchases must be submitted to the Office for Student Involvement (OSI) Accounting Office no later than December 1st for Fall semesters, April 1st for Winter semesters and August 1st for Summer semesters.
- The above dates are also the final dates for allocation requests for their respective semesters.
- Any unused funds and/or funds spent that do not have valid receipts submitted for them on time, shall be called back at the end of the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters.
- Organizations may not spend Board funding in ways not previously approved by the Board. If an organization purchases items with Board funding that were not approved by the Board, they will be charged for the cost of the item from their FLEX account.
- Organizations must complete all required forms and form enclosures and submit them as a correctly completed budget request.
- Any forms added to the budget request cannot be submitted, undertaken, or completed by an advisor.
- Any student that is a paid member of any department, center, special academic program, outreach program, or concentration cannot submit an allocation form that is cosponsored by that specific department, center, special academic program, outreach program, or concentration.
- An organization may only spend approved funds on the items for which said funds were allocated unless the re-categorization of funds is approved by the chairperson.
- All allocation requests totaling more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) require a hearing and must be submitted four (4) weeks prior to either the event or the date payments are due.
- The Board shall have the authority to call for a hearing for any allocation request that, in the Board’s opinion, requires additional information.
Article XX - Deficit Regulations
- It is the responsibility of all organizations’ President and Treasurer to maintain their account and remain in good standing with the Board and the Office for Student Involvement.
- Should an organization fail to maintain their Funding or Flex account and fall into deficit, they will not receive any funding until they are out of deficit.
- Should an organization fall into poor standing with the Office for Student Involvement, they will not receive funding until they are in good standing.
- An organization in deficit will have 90 days to place the appropriate funds back into their account.
- The Board will inform deficit organizations the amount needed in which account and the date it is needed by.
- Funding from the Board cannot be used to make up for the prior deficit.
- An organization no longer in deficit by the end of the semester will be eligible to receive funding.
- If 90 days pass and an organization still remains in deficit, they will be disbanded for the rest of the semester.
- At the beginning of the semester following disbandment, if they have paid their deficit an organization may reapply for membership; it is up to the Board’s discretion if they are approved or denied.
Article XXI - Amendment Process
- Permanent amendments may only be initiated by the chairperson of the Board, a Legislative member of the Board, or by the Student Body President.
- All permanent amendments to these regulations must be made by a two-thirds vote of the Student Congress Legislature.
Article XXII - Ratification
- These Bylaws will go into effect at the beginning of the Fall 2022 funding period.