Title: Coordinator - Community Kitchen Liaison
Special Instructor - Nutrition
Office: 3099 Human Health Building
Phone: (248) 364-8861
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background:
M.S.; Clinical Nutrition; University of Memphis
B.S.; Dietetics; Michigan State University
Teaching Interests:
Nutrition and culinary skills
Sarah Allen has been a Registered Dietitian for 12 years. Starting her career in clinical nutrition as a Clinical Nutrition Manager, she quickly learned the foodservice side of healthcare in the Food and Nutrition Department at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Sarah went on to become a Wellness Dietitian for a corporate dining company where she had the opportunity to combine her clinical knowledge and foodservice experience. With a focus on corporate employee wellness, Sarah has worked to create healthy and tasty food options in employee cafeterias around the country including organizations such as: Blue Cross Blue Shield; American Express; and professional sports teams such as the Chicago Bears, Cleveland Browns and New York Jets. Sarah continued her career in corporate wellness in the foodservice setting with Morrison Healthcare, where she has served as a leader in corporate wellness and sustainability at hospital foodservice operations across the nation. Sarah plans to continue her focus on wellness in the foodservice setting by creating Oakland University's first culinary lab for the dietetics program.
Professional Affiliations:
Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Personal Interests:
Woodworking, cooking and being a mom to my 3-year-old daughter!