OU Help Desk

Kresge Library, Room 202
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-4357 (HELP)
Fax: (248) 370-4863
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm

University Technology Services

Dodge Hall
118 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
(location map)

Get Connected

Getting connected is about setting up your communications and resource account so you are fully connected with Oakland University Information Technology Resources.  Resources include email, network access, and MySAIL access.

At Oakland University, technology plays an important role in the management of your academic life, if you are a student, or your work environment and communications, if you are an employee. This guide provides instructions to get connected by activating your accounts.

The OU identification number is called the GrizzlyID number, a system-generated number that includes one letter (G) and eight numbers and is your assigned student number. The GrizzlyID number is NOT related to your GrizzCard, and the number on your GrizzCard is not usable to information technology resources. You need a GrizzlyID and PIN to start the process of activating your NetID.

Using your NetID, you will login to the MySAIL portal, check your email, read about campus activities, register for classes, review the course catalog, run progress to degree, process grades, and track financial aid status. You can access all the features of MySAIL with your NetID. You can use your NetID to login to the Moodle online learning environment for full online courses and supplemental resources for classroom instruction. When you use the extensive campus wireless network, you must also register your device with your NetID.Verify Your MySAIL Login

Visit the MySAIL portal and verify that you can successfully login.

October 2022

Get Your GrizzlyID Number
Set Your GrizzlyID Pin
Activate Your NetID
Active Directory (ADMNET) Accounts
Keep Your Account Credentials Private
Verify Your MySAIL Login
Verify Your Access to Email
Verify Student Access to eBill
Information Technology Accounts and Access Information
Information Technology Resources - Quick Policy Notes
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