Course topics are covered in eight week periods with the final two weeks used for webinar presentations and personalized review as needed. The optional 40-hour CFP® Exam Review is strategically held just before the CFP® Exam in March.
One Monday of each month is reserved for the Fundamentals Mastery Course (part of the capstone) which covers the introduction to the financial planning process, including gathering and analyzing client data, developing recommendations, and reading and understanding a complete financial plan.
1) Investments, Survey, and Financial Calculator
A newly re-designed introduction to the Principles of Personal Financial Planning and Investments. Participants receive an extensive introduction to the financial planning process, time value of money, ethical considerations, economic environment and essential investment planning concepts. The course includes study of securities markets, investment asset classes, portfolio construction, and investment techniques, tools and strategies. This course is a prerequisite to all the other courses in the program. An HP10BII calculator is required for the program.
2) Income Tax Planning
Designed to enable the professional providing personal financial planning services to recognize many of the income tax planning opportunities and dilemmas that may arise. The course covers the fundamentals of individual income taxation and tax law overview, terminology and computations. Discussion and analysis will focus on practical problems involving tax planning implications of home ownership; property transactions; tax advantage investments; divorce and remarriage; forms of business ownership; accounting methods and periods; life insurance, annuities, and securities; intra-family and charitable transfers; and forms and methods of employment compensation.
3) Risk Management/Insurance Planning
Survey of risk management, primarily in the areas of life, health, casualty, and liability insurance. Includes analysis of risk exposure, evaluation techniques for various insurance plans, and contract selection criteria from a cost-benefit standpoint. Income and estate taxation laws as related to insurance premiums and benefits; alternative methods of funding insurance premiums; and the role of insurance in retirement and estate planning will also be discussed.
4) Retirement Planning
Provides working knowledge of retirement planning tools, terminology, and techniques, including the rules, regulations, and taxation of qualified and non-qualified plans: Pension, profit sharing, 401(k), SEP, IRA, and deferred compensation. Includes study of the basic characteristics of specific employee benefits such as group life insurance and group health coverage. The financial planning process will be emphasized in class discussion with illustrations from practical experience and actual case histories
5) Estate Planning & Advanced Case Study
Newly re-designed, this course combines the estate planning essentials with practical application using the case study method. The course covers the estate planning process, property ownership and implications, lifetime and death-related transfers, legal documents, federal gift and estate tax law, business transfers, estate valuation, and income tax ramifications in estate planning. The case studies integrate all aspects of the financial planning process with an emphasis on the estate planning. Students are expected to participate actively in the case presentations.
6) Fundamentals of Financial Planning/Capstone
The Capstone will be offered in partnership with Dalton Education. The Financial Plan Development course features solid, practical application of all the material covered in the prior classes and will be covered throughout the cycle of the Executive Program. Students are required to prepare a comprehensive written financial plan and to present it orally, according to rules established by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. The course provides both relevant, practical experience in comprehensive planning and superlative preparation for the case studies in the national certification examination.
Exam Review
This optional but highly recommended review course provides 40-hours of comprehensive review of all content including case scenarios. Students enrolled in our program are eligible for a $300 discount towards the Dalton Exam Review Program.