Kyeorda Kemp, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies
Kyeorda Kemp joined Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in January of 2019 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies. She teaches immunology to medical students.
Dr. Kemp received her B.S. in microbiology from Michigan State University and her Ph.D. from Northwestern University with a focus in immunology. Prior to joining OUWB, Dr. Kemp served as an Assistant Professor of Biology at Northeastern State University where she taught courses in the cell and molecular biology and master of natural science programs. Dr. Kemp also taught undergraduate courses in biology at Northeastern Illinois University and Northwestern University.
Dr. Kemp’s scientific research focuses on T-cell signaling and function. Dr. Kemp’s most recent publication explores the role of ER stress in cytokine secretion by established TH2 cells. In addition, Dr. Kemp is interested in determining how best to prepare undergraduate and medical students for a lifetime of engagement in scholarship and discovery. She is currently exploring whether “wet-bench” research experiences or an experimental design theory course best prepares future scientist with collaborators at Northeastern State University. Dr. Kemp is interested in medical education research focused on collaborative learning strategies and reducing unconscious bias. Dr. Kemp is a member of the American Association of Immunologist and serves on the Autumn Immunology Conference Scientific Advisory Board.
Office: 415 O’Dowd Hall
Phone: 248-370-3672
Immunology, cell biology, and research design
Education:Ph.D., Immunology, Northwestern University, Integrated Graduate Program in Life Sciences (now Driskill Graduate Training Program in Life Sciences), Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
B.S., Microbiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich.
Research Interests:Medical Education: Collaborative learning strategies and reduction of unconscious bias
Basic Science: T-cell signaling and activation