Clinical Faculty Orientation Guide
Welcome to the OUWB School of Medicine! We are so happy you have joined our faculty. For a brief overview and history of OUWB please visit the About OUWB webpage. This webpage is a great resource for faculty to find professional development and service opportunities within the School of Medicine. If you can’t find what you need, please contact us at [email protected].
Faculty Resources
Learn more about Faculty Affairs role at the Faculty Affairs webpage.
Meet the Faculty Affairs team here.
We would love to get to know you better!
Contact the Faculty Affairs team at [email protected].
This handbook was developed in an effort to document the current practices and guidelines for Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine faculty. The handbook communicates information about a wide range of administrative matters that include processes for faculty appointments, reappointments, promotion and tenure, and many other topics. Please use this handbook to navigate your career life cycle, professional development, and success.
Click here to access the Faculty Handbook.
Every faculty member with a standard appointment at OUWB is required to participate in the MPP. The program assures the involvement of faculty members and the reporting tool allows faculty to document their contributions within the school.
Click here to learn more about MPP.
OUWB’s faculty appointment process is managed through the school’s online appointment and promotion system.
Click here to access SmartPath.
Faculty Professional Development Opportunities
CEME offers a variety of faculty and staff development programs, online webinars, recordings, and well-being resources.
The CEME website can be found here.
Contact: [email protected]
- Peer Coaching
- OUWB Leadership Education and Development Certificate Program
- Medical Education Certificate
- Everyday Bias
- Medical Education Week
- Stanford Clinical Teaching Program
OUWB accepts and trains a yearly cohort aimed at furthering the intent and efforts of the OUWB School of Medicine’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council.
More about the Diversity Champion program can be found here.
Contact: Dr. Deirdre Pitts or Dr. Ann Voorheis-Sargent at [email protected]
Beaumont’s Department of Continuing Medical Education (CME) is committed to providing the highest-quality learning opportunities for the health care team.
More about CME can be found here.
Contact:[email protected]
OUWB is committed to building an environment where all students, faculty, staff, and invited visitors from varying backgrounds and life experiences feel a sense of belonging, are engaged, and are valued and respected for their voices and contributions.
More about OUWB Diversity and Inclusion can be found here.
Contact: [email protected]
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
- Diversity Lecture Series
- Professional Development Opportunities
Eligible faculty members who wish to apply for promotion must attend promotion training and seek the approval of their Department Chair. All faculty members are welcome and encouraged to attend promotion training during their faculty appointment for informational purposes.
The Faculty Handbook contains detailed information on the promotion process.
The Faculty Appointments and Promotions webpage can be found here.
Contact: [email protected]
All new faculty will receive an informational email to begin their faculty appointment. This includes an invitation to the biannual virtual New Faculty Orientation.
Contact: [email protected]
Faculty Service Involvement Opportunities
This is not an all-inclusive list of service opportunities. Faculty are encouraged to speak with their Department Chair or contact Faculty Affairs for further information regarding service opportunities.
OUWB is governed in its internal administration by its faculty through committee service. All members of the faculty as defined in the faculty constitution are entitled to take part in meetings by voice and by vote. Faculty are eligible to participate in standing and ad hoc committees as outlined by the faculty bylaws. Faculty interested in participating in committee service should complete the annual Faculty Committee Interest Survey.
For information on faculty assembly and committee information click here.Contact: [email protected]
Interview student applicants of the OUWB School of Medicine. One annual training session is required. Interviewers are asked to participate in a minimum of four interview days per (max 20). Interviews take place on most Fridays and some Thursdays between late August and early March.
Contact: [email protected]
Read application files to help determine which applicants should receive interviews. Applications are online accessible. Application screeners must attend an annual training session and screen five applications every week or every other week from late June through February.
Contact: [email protected]
Compass is the center for OUWB community engagement, and focuses on navigating connections with local, regional, national, and global communities. These relationships enable faculty and staff to share their expertise with the community and assist medical students with meeting their learning objectives while identifying the needs of vulnerable populations who are served by our many diverse Compass community partners.
More information can be found on the Compass webpage here.
Contact: [email protected]
Will be responsible for evaluating both written and oral Embark research project presentations at various times during the development of the project. Several of these events result in awarding of recognition and partial scholarships.
More information can be found on the Embark webpage here.
Contact: [email protected]
Physicians (with a faculty appointment) serve as mentors for the PRISM program, which promotes reflection, wellness, professionalism and career development. Faculty will mentor a group of 25 students over a four-year period of time and will play an important role in the PRISM course. Must be available one afternoon per month.
More information about the PRISM program can be found here.
Contact: [email protected]
We believe the best way to train an outstanding physician is to role model what an outstanding physician should be. Faculty are encouraged to interact with students in their offices or in one of the three OUWB training hospitals:
- Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital
- Corewell Health Beaumont Troy Hospital
- Corewell Health Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital
More information can be found here.
For further information, please contact one of the following individuals depending upon your hospital affiliation or clinical setting.
Hosting students in the office setting
Amy Seger, M.D., Director of Ambulatory Education
and Recruitment, OUWB
[email protected]
Sheala Jafry, M.D., Assistant Director of Ambulatory
Education and Recruitment, OUWB
[email protected]
Hosting students at Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital
Amy Seger, M.D., Director of Ambulatory Education
and Recruitment, OUWB
[email protected]
Hosting students at Corewell Health Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital,
or Corewell Health Beaumont Troy Hospital:
Stephanie Goike, M.D., Troy Site Director, OUWB
Teri White, Troy Site Coordinator, OUWB
[email protected]