Misa Mi, Ph.D., M.A., MLIS

Professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies
Director, Medical Library


Misa Mi is a Professor, one of the founding faculty members, and Director of the Medical Library at the Department of Foundational Medical Studies Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB). She joined OUWB in 2011 with decades of work experience in different settings, including higher education, hospitals, academic medical centers, and health sciences libraries. She has over 50 publications, received multiple awards and grants, and has served various institutional committees and professional associations in different capacities.

Dr. Mi earned her Ph.D. from the College of Education and a master's degree from the School of Information Sciences, both from Wayne State University and received a master's degree from the School of Education and Human Services, Oakland University. She has also been trained in the Program for Educators in Health Professions at the Harvard University Harvard Macy Institute, the National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Biomedical Informatics Program, the Leadership Program of the University of Toledo College of Business and Innovation, and the International Workshop for Evidence-Base Clinical Practice at McMaster University.  

Dr. Mi designs, develops, and offers training programs in evidence-based medicine, health informatics, systematic review, and medical education for adult learners across the spectrum of medical education. She provides leadership for developing, managing, and administering library services and educational programs and oversees all aspects of daily operations of the OUWB Medical Library.

Contact Information:

Office: 130 Kresge Library
Phone: 248-370-3774
Email: mi@oakland.edu


Curriculum development, evidence-based medicine teaching, health informatics, learning design, needs assessment, performance improvement, program evaluation, systematic review


Ph.D., Learning Design and Technology, College of Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

M.L.I.S., School of Information Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

M.A., School of Education and Human Services, Oakland University, Rochester, MI

Program for Educators in Health Professions, Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard University, Boston, MA

Fellow, National Library of Medicine Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course, National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine


Leadership Certificate, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Distinguished Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals, Medical Library Association

Research Interests:

Bioinformatics, design, and developmental research, self-directed learning, evidence-based medicine, health information literacy, informal learning, learning environment, knowledge management, systematic review


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7788-7282

Google Scholar Profile