Suzan Kamel-ElSayed, DVM, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies

Suzan ElSayed

Dr. Kamel-ElSayed joined Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in 2013 as an Associate Professor of Physiology. Dr. ElSayed received her V.M.D from Assiut University, where she continued on to earn her Master’s Degree in Endocrine Physiology at their School of Medicine. In 2004, she received her Ph.D. in Bone Physiology from the Biomedical Sciences Department of the School of Medicine at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.

Currently, she continues teaching Physiology for OUWB Medical students in organ system integrated-based curriculum. In her teaching, she applies multiple interactive teaching methods including dialogical narrative (DN) approach, team-based learning (TBL), and others. She is also a co-director of the Cardiovascular Organ System and a co-leader for the innovative teaching and technology scholar interest group. She also participates in teaching middle and high school students via summer pipeline programs that are offered by Diversity and Inclusion office.

Dr. Kamel-ElSayed published several peer reviewed articles related to her research interests. Her current research is focused on medical education in particular on interactive teaching, and TBL. She also interested in research related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Dr. Kamel-ElSayed serves/served in several of OUWB and OU committees. On the national and international level, she is a member in American Physiological Society (APS), American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), the Society of Physiological Sciences and their Applications (SPSA) and International Association of Medical Sciences Educators (IAMSE). She is also a member in team-based learning collaborative (TBLC) and a certified TBL consultant. Dr. Kamel-ElSayed is among the three faculty members who oversight more than thirty TBLs that are delivered in the preclinical OUWB curriculum. In addition, Dr. Kamel-ElSayed is among the first certified Cohort of the OUWB Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champions.

Contact Information:

Office: 414 O’Dowd Hall
Phone: 248-370-3632
Fax: 248-370-4060

Specialty Areas:

human physiology, pathophysiology


D.V.M., M.S., Endocrine Physiology. School of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt
Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.

Research Interests:

Bone biology research and medical education research