Check Financial Aid Requirements and Award Status

Students can view the processing status of any unsatisfied financial aid requirements and any holds placed on the account.

Students can view the processing status of any unsatisfied financial aid requirements and any holds placed on the account. 

  1. Log into MySAIL using your NetID and password
  2. Select Financial Aid from the Popular Services box 
  3. Select Eligibility
  4. Select the aid year if prompted and click Submit
  5. Select Student Requirements 
  6. View Unsatisfied and Satisfied Requirements – note the “status” and “as of date” columns. 
Students can view the financial aid award package by academic year and the breakdown for the estimated cost of attendance.
  1. Log into MySAIL using your NetID and password
  2. Select Financial Aid from the Popular Services box 
  3. Select Award 
  4. Select Award by Aid Year
  5. Select the aid year if prompted and click submit
  6. Click the Award Overview tab and scroll to the bottom to view awards.  Click each award for important information and instructions.

Students must complete the following process to accept or decline student loans.

Prior to accepting loans, students are strongly encouraged to use the 2022-2023 Student Loan Planner to help determine how much to borrow.

This Student Loan Planner file is only valid for the current academic year. A new Planner must be downloaded for each academic year.

How to accept or decline student loans:

  1. Log into MySAIL using your NetID and password
  2. Select Financial Aid from the Popular Services box
  3. Select Award
  4. Select Award by Aid Year
  5. Select the aid year if prompted and click Submit
  6. Select Accept Award Offer tab
  7. Use the drop down menu next to each award to accept or decline the full amount for the Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan. Accept a partial amount of the loan by selecting Accept, then specifying the dollar amount in the box to the right that was calculated in the Student Loan Planner.
Students can designate another person (a proxy) to access and view academic and financial aid information their account. 

Granting access allows parents/guardians, spouses, and others to stay up-to-date on financial aid awards and requirements, class schedules, grades and more. Students control exactly how much information a proxy can view. Once a proxy is added to your  MySAIL  account, the student controls the authorization settings to enable the proxy to view certain pieces of information. Their settings are “view only,” meaning a proxy can never make changes to any information in MySAIL.

How to add a proxy in MySAIL:
Print directions with screen shots.
  1. Log into MySAIL using your NetID and password
  2. Select Sail
  3. Select Student Services
  4. Select Manage Proxy
  5. Select Add Proxy
  6. Fill in the required fields and select Add Proxy
  7. Once the proxy is added, click on the yellow down arrow next to his/her name
  8. On the Profile tab, select a relationship type from the drop-down menu and indicate a start and stop date for your proxy to have access to your information
  9. On the Authorization tab, select all areas of MySAIL that you would like your proxy to have view-only access

You may also allow a designated person to view your bill and make payment on your account. See Authorized User information on the billing and payments page.

  1. Log into MySAIL 
  2. Select SAIL from the Popular Services box
  3. Select Personal Information
  4. Select: 
    • View/Update Direct Deposit Non-Payroll: to enroll in and manage direct deposit for payments for refunds of excess financial aid, dropped classes that were made by cash AND/OR reimbursements for student organization-related expenses
    • View/Update Direct Deposit – Payroll: to enroll in and manage direct deposit information for paycheck

We may be contacted directly at or by phone at (248) 370-3611.