Dress Code
Authorizing Body: | Curriculum Committee |
Author: | Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D. |
Date Issued: | August 1, 2011 |
Last Update: | August 7, 2017 |
Rationale:The dress, grooming, and conduct of our students reflect upon the image of the entire School of Medicine. Scope and Applicability:All students enrolled in the School of Medicine Standard Practice Guideline:The expectation is that all School of Medicine students are professional in their appearance. It is the School of Medicine’s goal to convey an image and appearance of competence, approachability, professionalism and respect. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain exceptionally high standards for grooming, dress and personal conduct. | |
Procedures:Dress Code Policy For Classroom Activities On The OU CampusDress code for the classroom activities on the Oakland campus is informal. However, students are expected to exercise professional discretion in their appearance and grooming. Clean casual dress is allowed. An unkempt personal appearance is not acceptable. Please adhere to the following guidelines when attending classes on the Oakland University campus.
Dress Code Policy For Professional Settings (Beaumont Health Systems Campuses And Patient-Care Settings)All School of Medicine students must maintain a professional appearance even when they are not seeing patients. Recommended acceptable attire includes: collared shirts, ties, slacks, skirts, blouses, sweaters and dresses and shoes intended for professional wear worn with socks or hosiery. When students are working with patients, they are expected to White coats in the clinical settingStudents must wear a short white coat with their name badge and OUWB medical school patch visible at all times when seeing patients. The following guidelines should be followed regarding the use of lapel pins on the white coat:
4. The following categories of pins are not appropriate:
Beaumont Health Systems Dress Code:PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVETo establish consistent standards for dress, grooming and personal appearance which inspires confidence in our patients and families, teams and communities, while respecting employees' cultural and ethnic religious beliefs, and need for disability accommodations. POLICY STATEMENTBeaumont's mission, to provide compassionate, extraordinary care every day, is guided by our values of compassion, integrity, respect, teamwork, and excellence. Beaumont employees are expected to dress appropriately for their day with the goal to service the mission of Beaumont Health. SCOPEThis policy applies to all employees, management, physicians and others who perform work or services for Beaumont Health and any of its affiliated hospitals, clinics, businesses, and corporate offices. STANDARDSEmployees are expected to dress appropriately for the nature of our business and the type of work performed, whether working on-site, off-site or using remote technology such as video conferencing. GENERAL GUIDELINESBusiness Professional AttireAppropriate: Business or business casual attire. Clothing that is of appropriate size and fit, permitting freedom of movement. All personal clothing must be clean, neat, and of appropriate length with finished hems. Clothing is free of holes, stains, rips and tears. Jackets with Beaumont Health-approved embroidered logo. Dress capri/crop pants. Leggings are appropriate when covered with a long shirt/sweater or dress. Solid color long-sleeve shirts without logos or with approved Beaumont logo may be worn under scrub tops. Approved hospital-provided and laundered scrubs should be worn in designated areas only. A lab coat or scrub jacket should be worn over hospital provided scrubs when outside the designated work area. Inappropriate: Sweatshirt/hooded zip up sweatshirts. Shirts with hoods. Capri/crop pants that are casual in nature. Mini Skirts. Jeans and denim apparel. Jogging suits and other fitness apparel. Spandex clothing. Tank tops and spaghetti-strapped tops. Low-cut blouses or tops. Shorts. T-shirts, unless worn under scrub tops or as part of a uniform or for an approved event. FootwearAppropriate: Shoes are to be clean and in good repair. Heel height must not present a safety hazard. Employees must wear shoes appropriate to the nature of their work and in accordance with departmental guidelines. Peep and open toe shoes. Sling-back shoes. Boots/booties. Inappropriate: Athletic shoes, unless part of an approved uniform. Flip-flops, sandals and slippers. Open-toe shoes in patient care areas. HeadwearAppropriate: Department issued headwear, per department dress code policy. Inappropriate: Hats, baseball caps and visors in the work area. Personal Hygiene/Tattoos/JewelryAppropriate: Employees must have good personal hygiene. Hair should be clean and neat. Employees who work in patient care areas, with food or with machinery must have their hair pinned up off the shoulders or secured away from the face, to promote safety for self and patients. Hairnets may be required by department policy. Facial hair must be groomed and maintained, and not interfere with safety standards. Scents from deodorant, perfume, cologne, body sprays and the like must be light and non-offensive. Visible tattoos must not be offensive in subject matter or placement. Piercings in the ears. Small stud piercing in the nose.Gauges with inserts. Inappropriate: Beaumont is a nicotine-free environment – cigarette or other tobacco odor is not acceptable. Employees who have direct contact with patients, work in areas where invasive procedures are performed or when procedures require a surgical scrub, provide cleaning services in patient care areas, transport patients, or provide any dietary service/function, must adhere the following fingernail standards:
Offensive body, tobacco, halitosis and/or clothing odors. Tattoos that include profanity, nudity, racial or sexual comments or are otherwise inappropriate. No facial tattoos of any kind should be allowed unless it is in a hidden area, such as behind the ear. Jewelry that interferes with the nature of work being performed or otherwise poses a safety or health risk. Identification BadgesRefer to the Identification Badge Policy for ID badge guidelines. A. Employees in leadership and other professional roles may dress appropriately for their day, including business-casual attire. Traditional business attire is always acceptable and may be required based on the nature of the work being performed, interactions with patients and the community, or for formal business meetings or events. B. Patient- and public-facing employees, including clinicians and direct patient care providers, will dress in attire appropriate for their role or function. This may include department prescribed uniforms and/or scrub colors. See department specific dress and grooming policy and the Beaumont Health Scrub Dress Policy for additional information. C. Employees with individual needs associated with cultural, ethnic or religious observance or disability should consult with their manager or Human Resources to discuss possible accommodations. D. Managers will take disciplinary action to address attire that is inappropriate for the work environment. This may include sending employees home to change clothing or improve their personal appearance. E. This policy establishes the minimum standards for dress, grooming and personal appearance. Department leadership may issue stricter or more specific dress, grooming and personal appearance guidelines based on unique job requirements. If a department has such requirements, the department requirements must be followed. See department specific policy for departmental dress and grooming guidelines. F. Department leadership is responsible for enforcement of this policy. REFERENCESThe following policies for Beaumont Health can be found on the Beaumont intranet under policies: Progressive Discipline Policy, Scrub Dress Policy, Hand Hygiene Policy and Identification Badge Policy. | |
Review and Reissue Date:Policies should be updated when changes to policies or procedures occur or every three years, whichever occurs earlier. Discretion to Modify:Beaumont Health periodically reviews and revises its policies. This policy, as with all others, is subject to change at Beaumont Health's discretion without prior notice. This policy supersedes all prior written policies on this subject. This policy is located on the Beaumont intranet. | |
Related Policies and Forms:Request for Disability Accommodation Form Request for Religious Accommodation Form | |
Authorizing Body: | |
Curriculum Committee | |
Author: | |
Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D. | |
Date Issued: | |
August 1, 2011 | |
Last Update: | |
August 7, 2017 | |
Rationale:The dress, grooming, and conduct of our students reflect upon the image of the entire School of Medicine. Scope and Applicability:All students enrolled in the School of Medicine Standard Practice Guideline:The expectation is that all School of Medicine students are professional in their appearance. It is the School of Medicine’s goal to convey an image and appearance of competence, approachability, professionalism and respect. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain exceptionally high standards for grooming, dress and personal conduct. | |
Procedures:Dress Code Policy For Classroom Activities On The OU CampusDress code for the classroom activities on the Oakland campus is informal. However, students are expected to exercise professional discretion in their appearance and grooming. Clean casual dress is allowed. An unkempt personal appearance is not acceptable. Please adhere to the following guidelines when attending classes on the Oakland University campus.
Dress Code Policy For Professional Settings (Beaumont Health Systems Campuses And Patient-Care Settings)All School of Medicine students must maintain a professional appearance even when they are not seeing patients. Recommended acceptable attire includes: collared shirts, ties, slacks, skirts, blouses, sweaters and dresses and shoes intended for professional wear worn with socks or hosiery. When students are working with patients, they are expected to White coats in the clinical settingStudents must wear a short white coat with their name badge and OUWB medical school patch visible at all times when seeing patients. The following guidelines should be followed regarding the use of lapel pins on the white coat:
4. The following categories of pins are not appropriate:
Beaumont Health Systems Dress Code:PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVETo establish consistent standards for dress, grooming and personal appearance which inspires confidence in our patients and families, teams and communities, while respecting employees' cultural and ethnic religious beliefs, and need for disability accommodations. POLICY STATEMENTBeaumont's mission, to provide compassionate, extraordinary care every day, is guided by our values of compassion, integrity, respect, teamwork, and excellence. Beaumont employees are expected to dress appropriately for their day with the goal to service the mission of Beaumont Health. SCOPEThis policy applies to all employees, management, physicians and others who perform work or services for Beaumont Health and any of its affiliated hospitals, clinics, businesses, and corporate offices. STANDARDSEmployees are expected to dress appropriately for the nature of our business and the type of work performed, whether working on-site, off-site or using remote technology such as video conferencing. GENERAL GUIDELINESBusiness Professional AttireAppropriate: Business or business casual attire. Clothing that is of appropriate size and fit, permitting freedom of movement. All personal clothing must be clean, neat, and of appropriate length with finished hems. Clothing is free of holes, stains, rips and tears. Jackets with Beaumont Health-approved embroidered logo. Dress capri/crop pants. Leggings are appropriate when covered with a long shirt/sweater or dress. Solid color long-sleeve shirts without logos or with approved Beaumont logo may be worn under scrub tops. Approved hospital-provided and laundered scrubs should be worn in designated areas only. A lab coat or scrub jacket should be worn over hospital provided scrubs when outside the designated work area. Inappropriate: Sweatshirt/hooded zip up sweatshirts. Shirts with hoods. Capri/crop pants that are casual in nature. Mini Skirts. Jeans and denim apparel. Jogging suits and other fitness apparel. Spandex clothing. Tank tops and spaghetti-strapped tops. Low-cut blouses or tops. Shorts. T-shirts, unless worn under scrub tops or as part of a uniform or for an approved event. FootwearAppropriate: Shoes are to be clean and in good repair. Heel height must not present a safety hazard. Employees must wear shoes appropriate to the nature of their work and in accordance with departmental guidelines. Peep and open toe shoes. Sling-back shoes. Boots/booties. Inappropriate: Athletic shoes, unless part of an approved uniform. Flip-flops, sandals and slippers. Open-toe shoes in patient care areas. HeadwearAppropriate: Department issued headwear, per department dress code policy. Inappropriate: Hats, baseball caps and visors in the work area. Personal Hygiene/Tattoos/JewelryAppropriate: Employees must have good personal hygiene. Hair should be clean and neat. Employees who work in patient care areas, with food or with machinery must have their hair pinned up off the shoulders or secured away from the face, to promote safety for self and patients. Hairnets may be required by department policy. Facial hair must be groomed and maintained, and not interfere with safety standards. Scents from deodorant, perfume, cologne, body sprays and the like must be light and non-offensive. Visible tattoos must not be offensive in subject matter or placement. Piercings in the ears. Small stud piercing in the nose.Gauges with inserts. Inappropriate: Beaumont is a nicotine-free environment – cigarette or other tobacco odor is not acceptable. Employees who have direct contact with patients, work in areas where invasive procedures are performed or when procedures require a surgical scrub, provide cleaning services in patient care areas, transport patients, or provide any dietary service/function, must adhere the following fingernail standards:
Offensive body, tobacco, halitosis and/or clothing odors. Tattoos that include profanity, nudity, racial or sexual comments or are otherwise inappropriate. No facial tattoos of any kind should be allowed unless it is in a hidden area, such as behind the ear. Jewelry that interferes with the nature of work being performed or otherwise poses a safety or health risk. Identification BadgesRefer to the Identification Badge Policy for ID badge guidelines. A. Employees in leadership and other professional roles may dress appropriately for their day, including business-casual attire. Traditional business attire is always acceptable and may be required based on the nature of the work being performed, interactions with patients and the community, or for formal business meetings or events. B. Patient- and public-facing employees, including clinicians and direct patient care providers, will dress in attire appropriate for their role or function. This may include department prescribed uniforms and/or scrub colors. See department specific dress and grooming policy and the Beaumont Health Scrub Dress Policy for additional information. C. Employees with individual needs associated with cultural, ethnic or religious observance or disability should consult with their manager or Human Resources to discuss possible accommodations. D. Managers will take disciplinary action to address attire that is inappropriate for the work environment. This may include sending employees home to change clothing or improve their personal appearance. E. This policy establishes the minimum standards for dress, grooming and personal appearance. Department leadership may issue stricter or more specific dress, grooming and personal appearance guidelines based on unique job requirements. If a department has such requirements, the department requirements must be followed. See department specific policy for departmental dress and grooming guidelines. F. Department leadership is responsible for enforcement of this policy. REFERENCESThe following policies for Beaumont Health can be found on the Beaumont intranet under policies: Progressive Discipline Policy, Scrub Dress Policy, Hand Hygiene Policy and Identification Badge Policy. | |
Review and Reissue Date:Policies should be updated when changes to policies or procedures occur or every three years, whichever occurs earlier. Discretion to Modify:Beaumont Health periodically reviews and revises its policies. This policy, as with all others, is subject to change at Beaumont Health's discretion without prior notice. This policy supersedes all prior written policies on this subject. This policy is located on the Beaumont intranet. | |
Related Policies and Forms:Request for Disability Accommodation Form Request for Religious Accommodation Form | |