Modified M4 Year Schedules
for Students with Academic Difficulties

Authorizing Body:

Curriculum Committee


Robert Novia, Ph.D.

Date Issued:

August 1, 2011

Last Update:

September 14, 2017


To allow students in academic difficulty to be placed into an out-of-sequence curriculum schedule.

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the School of Medicine

Standard Practice Guideline:

The M4 schedule of student, whom has experienced academic difficulties or delays during the M3 year, may be modified to delay graduation, in order to facilitate the student’s highest possible academic achievement.


The Office of Student Affairs in consultation with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education, under the authority of the Student Performance Review Committee is authorized to decelerate a student’s M4 year academic schedule.

Remedial work completed through a Directed Independent Study in Medicine elective cannot be used to satisfy the elective requirements for graduation.


Related Policies and Forms:

Degree Conferment and Commencement Participation
Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Enrollment Eligibility
