Reporting Incidents of Mistreatment,
Harassment or Acts of Discrimination
Authorizing Body: | Office of the Dean |
Author: | Robert J. McAuley, Ph.D. |
Date Issued: | August 1, 2011 |
Last Update: | August 23, 2016 |
Rationale:The purpose of this guideline is to describe the formal process for reporting allegations of inappropriate behavior, harassment or acts of discrimination involving students, faculty or staff of Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and to provide a mechanism and procedure to allow individuals to report concerns without fear of retaliation. The School of Medicine, Oakland University and Beaumont Health System are committed to provide such safe spaces and to support a comprehensive reporting mechanism for incidents of inappropriate behavior so that we may better understand our campus climate and work continuously to improve it. Scope and Applicability:All students enrolled in the School of Medicine Standard Practice Guideline: | |
Procedures:In all instances, the complainant should be prepared to provide the following:
Student Complaint Regarding a Student Students who believe that they have been affected by the inappropriate conduct of another medical student, as defined in the Standards of Conduct for the Learning Environment, should immediately notify either the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Career Development, and must file a written report on-line within 30 business days of the alleged action and/or the completion of any consultation process in order for the allegation to be investigated in a timely manner. The School of Medicine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to investigate and act on complaints involving incidents that have occurred beyond the 30-day filing reporting period. Such acceptance is not intended to, nor shall it, waive timeliness defenses the School of Medicine may otherwise have available to it in any judicial or administrative proceedings. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Career Development will gather information and may attempt to resolve the issue or forward the complaint to the SPRC for review as provided in the Student Performance Review Committee guidelines. A written notification will also be sent to the complainant letting him/her know the issue has been addressed. Safety Issues If any inappropriate behavior arises that poses a threat to the safety of patients, faculty, staff, students or others, or disrupts the learning environment, the Dean may suspend the student immediately. Student Complaint Regarding a Faculty Member, Resident, or Employee of either Oakland University or Beaumont Health System Students who believe that they have been affected by the inappropriate conduct of a faculty member, resident or employee of OU or Beaumont Health System, as defined in the Standards of Conduct for the Learning Environment, should notify the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs at (248) 370-3633, the Director of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at (248) 370-2741, or OU’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at (248) 370-3496 or visit the website of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion immediately and must file a written report online within 30 business days of the alleged action and/or the completion of any consultation process in order for the allegation to be investigated in a timely manner. The School of Medicine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to investigate and act on complaints involving incidents that have occurred beyond the 30-day filing reporting period. Such acceptance is not intended to, nor shall it, waive timeliness defenses the School of Medicine may otherwise have available to it in any judicial or administrative proceedings. All records of the investigation and the resulting action will be maintained by the Office of Academic Affairs will be treated with appropriate confidentiality. Regarding an allegation against a faculty, resident or staff member: A student may request the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to delay the forwarding of the complaint and resulting action or remedy until after the student is evaluated academically. Faculty complaint Regarding a Student Faculty who believe that they have been affected by the inappropriate conduct of a medical student, as defined in the Standards of Conduct for the Learning Environment, should immediately contact one of the following: the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, the Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Career Development and must file a written report online within 30 business days of the alleged action and/or the completion of any consultation process in order for the allegation to be investigated in a timely manner. The School of Medicine reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to investigate and act on complaints involving incidents that have occurred beyond the 30-day filing reporting period. Such acceptance is not intended to, nor shall it, waive timeliness defenses the School of Medicine may otherwise have available to it in any judicial or administrative proceedings. Reporting Incidents of Discrimination Students, faculty and employees of Oakland University are protected against discrimination in all aspects of education and employment. Discriminatory conduct at Oakland University occurs where individuals are treated differently on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, marital status, familial status, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal or state law. Such conduct detracts from the educational and work climate of the campus and will not be tolerated. Any student, faculty or staff member within the OUWB School of Medicine Community who believes she/he has been discriminated against is encouraged to contact the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion immediately, 120 Vandenberg Hall, (248) 370-3496. Reporting Incidents of Harassment Students, faculty and staff are protected against discriminatory harassment that occurs due to race, sex, age, height, weight, disability, color, religion, national origin, marital status or any other characteristic protected by federal or state law. There are two forms of harassment:
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Definitions: | |
Related Policies and Forms:
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Appendix: |