Following a week of orientation at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, the Class of 2021 received its official welcome to medical school at the White Coat Ceremony on August 11, 2017. During the ceremony, the medical students accepted their white physicians coat; a coat that physicians have worn for more than 100 years to symbolize the trust between patient and doctor.
OUWB Founding Dean Robert Folberg, M.D., and Interim Associate Dean of Student Affairs Sandra LaBlance, Ph.D., addressed the gathering with inspirational remarks to commemorate the beginning of the medical school journey for OUWB’s seventh class.
“We chose you for your academic brightness, but also because of your compassion,” said Dr. Folberg.
Dr. LaBlance’s remarks highlighted interesting facts about the Class of 2021, which included completing an impressive combined total of more than 116,000 service hours. Specifically, some of the community outreach included building an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico, working as a translator in Guatemala and rebuilding the Ninth Ward region in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Dr. LaBlance also described the Class of 2021’s hometowns and hobbies; where they attended undergraduate school; the languages they speak; and where they have traveled.
“The responsibility of a physician starts today,” concluded Dr. LaBlance. “Strive for excellence.”
Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Beaumont Health David Wood, M.D., took a few moments to welcome the class.
“We are honored that you chose us. We are eager to be part of your life-long learning and want to allow you to be the best doctor that you can be,” said Dr. Wood.
Then, in front of family and friends, the students crossed the stage individually to be cloaked in their first physician white coats and stethoscopes by their Beaumont physician mentors. The mentors, through OUWB’s PRISM program, will provide these students with career development and personal support throughout their four years.
The ceremony ended with another tradition as the first-year medical students recited the Declaration of Geneva, a revision of the doctor's mantra, the Hippocratic Oath, which is a pledge made by physicians to signify their commitment to the humanitarian goals of medicine.
For more photos from White Coat Ceremony visit the OUWB Facebook page.