Class of 2019 celebrates Match Day
Matthew Drogowski matched at Beaumont Health in emergency medicine
Match Day 2019. Matthew Drogowski matched at Beaumont Health in emergency medicine.

On Friday, March 15, the Class of 2019 learned which hospitals and medical facilities they will be heading to for their medical residencies upon graduation from Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in May.

The students and their loved ones enjoyed the day celebrating the news and thinking about the next chapter in their medical school journey. Fourteen of them will remain connected to Beaumont, OUWB’s affiliate institution, in programs ranging from emergency medicine, radiology-diagnostics and internal medicine.


OUWB Class of 2018 Residency Match

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OUWB Class of 2018 Residency Match

Residency assignments indicate a bright future for the class of 2017

‘Follow your heart:’ Couples match delivers benefits, challenges for graduating med students

Match Day is a national event that occurs annually on the third Friday in March. Since 1952, the National Residents Matching Program (NRMP) has placed graduating medical students at hospitals and medical facilities throughout the country. This year, 48 students matched to residencies in primary care [family medicine (8) pediatrics (10) and medical pediatrics (2), internal medicine (21) and OB/GYN (7)].

For a complete 2019 Match Day list, click here.