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A professor standing next to a table with four students, talking to them.


Through their scholarly contributions and strong academic record, the work of Oakland’s expert economic faculty researchers advances the understanding of complex business issues. Partnering with the community extends the impact of their work while also bringing real-world research opportunities to Oakland business students. These collaborations enhance the school’s rigorous economic curriculum and prepares graduates for the next step in their future.

The Economics Department houses Oakland University’s Southeastern Economic Data Center which uses cutting-edge technology to deliver up-to-date economic analysis and statistics.


Contact Us
Timothy Russell Hodge
Department Chair
447 Elliott Hall
(248) 370-3524

Carrie Haddon
Office Assistant
440 Elliott Hall
(248) 370-3283

A headshot of Valiena Allison

Valiena A. Allison
Vertex Adventures LC

A headshot of Olivia Bashore

Olivia Bashore
Legal Assistant
Bashore Green Law Group

A headshot of Melinda Conway Callahan

Melinda Conway Callahan
Conway Callahan Consulting, LLC

A headshot of Allen C. Goodman

Allen C. Goodman
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Economics
Wayne State University

A headshot of Julie Granthen

Julie Granthen

Timothy Hodge
Associate Professor of Economics, Chair, Department of Economics
Oakland University, School of Business Administration

A headshot of Ronald M. Horwitz

Ronald M. Horwitz
Professor Emeritus of Finance
Oakland University, School of Business Administration

A headshot of Daniel P. Hunter

Daniel P. Hunter
Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services

A headshot of Marc Miller

Marc Miller
Rating Analyst
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

A headshot of Travis Peterson

Travis Peterson
Director of Sales & Program Management for North America, Japan and Korea
Lear Corporation

Please see the School of Business Administration Faculty/Staff Directory for more information, including office location, link to personal web pages and more.


Name Email Phone
Timothy Russell Hodge, Chair trhodge@oakland.edu (248) 370-3524
Zeina AlSalman alsalman@oakland.edu (248) 370-3282
Addington Coppin coppin@oakland.edu (248) 370-3541
Man Jin mjin@oakland.edu (248) 370-4086
Nivedita Mukherji mukherji@oakland.edu (248) 370-2996
Ram Orzach orzach@oakland.edu (248) 370-4965
Anandi Sahu sahu@oakland.edu (248) 370-3537
Jonathan Silberman silberma@oakland.edu (248) 370-4966
Kasaundra Tomlin tomlin@oakland.edu (248) 370-4975
Ronald Tracy tracy@oakland.edu (248) 370-3514
Shunan Zhao shunanzhao@oakland.edu (248) 370-3291
Xie Zhu zhu@oakland.edu (248) 370-2505

Special Lecturers

Joseph Carolan

Professors Emeriti

Eleftherios Botsas
Sherman Folland
Karl Gregory, Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Oded Izraeli
Sid Mittra
Kevin Murphy
Miron Stano

In Memoriam

Eleftherios Botsas
Sherman Folland
Oded Izraeli
Sid Mittra