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Gene B. Fliedner

Title: Professor of Operations Management
Office: 416 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-4281
Email: fliedner@oakland.edu

Indiana University, DBA Operations Management

Dr. Gene Fliedner is a Professor within the Decision and Information Sciences Department in the School of Business Administration at Oakland University where he has taught extensively within the MBA and Executive MBA Programs designing, developing and teaching courses in Lean Management, Project Management, Operations Planning and Control, and Supply Chain Management. Dr. Fliedner has published in numerous premier business journals including the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, the International Journal of Production Management, Computers and Operations Research, the Journal of Production and Inventory Management, the European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Management and Data Systems, and others. Dr. Fliedner was awarded Fellows level certification by APICS in 1995. As a member of the Decision Sciences Institute, he has served in various capacities, including Vice President of this international professional society. As a member of the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, he has served in various capacities, including President, Secretary, Program Chair and others. In 2010, he received the distinguished Fellows lifetime service award from the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute. In 2011, 2014, and again in 2018, Dr. Fliedner received a three-year Research Fellowship from the Pawley Lean Institute. In 2013, his book Leading and Managing the Lean Management Process was awarded the Shingo Research and Publication Award.

Teaching interests: 
Dr. Fliedner’s teaching interests focus on operations planning and control, project management, and lean management.

Research interests: 
Dr. Fliedner’s research focuses on Lean, supply chain and family or group forecasting systems, multi-item forecasting systems, supply chain management and collaboration, and operations planning and control.


Oakland University School of Business Administration Paul F. Lorenz/Texas Instruments 2016-17 Teaching Excellence Award, Oakland University School of Business Administration, August 2017

Pawley Lean Institute Research Fellowship Award 2014-17, Oakland University Pawley Lean Institute, July 2014

Oakland University 18th Annual Founder's Day Faculty Recognition Honor, Oakland University and the School of Business Administration, April 2013

Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award, Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence, July 2012

Pawley Lean Institute Research Fellowship Award 2011-14, Oakland University Pawley Lean Institute, February 2011

Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Fellow, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, April 2010

Enhancing Student Engagement Competitive Teaching Grant, Oakland University, April 2008

SBA Distinguished Service Award, Oakland University School of Business Administration, May 2006

SBA Honorable Mention Service Award, Oakland University School of Business Administration, May 2005

SBA Honorable Mention Service Award, Oakland University School of Business Administration, May 2002

33rd Annual Meeting Best Paper Award, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, April 2002

Journals and Articles:

Fliedner, G., Wharton, T. J. (2023). Learning Lean through Hands-On Simulation. American Journal of Information Technology. 13(1), 21-44.

Fliedner, Gene. (2022). Transformational Excellence: A Synthesis of Lean and Stress Management Intervention Research with Evidence-Based Actionable Guidelines. Universal Journal of Operations and Management. 1(2), 86-111.

Fliedner, G., & DeHondt, G. (2015). Lean productivity enhancements and waste elimination through emerging technology. American Journal of Information Technology, 5(1), 24-38.

Fliedner, G. (2018). Lean Accounting: Current State and Future Needs Assessment. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 18(3), 94-104

Sheikh, A. , Gorz, K. , Yono, I. , Fliedner, G. Hospital Sustainability: Reducing Operating Room Waste with Reusable Medical Supplies and Instruments. Alliance Journal of Business Research. 41

Fliedner, E. , Majeske, K. D.(2010). Sustainability: The New Lean Frontier. Production And Inventory Management Journal. 46(1), 6-13

Fliedner, E. , Mathieson, K. (2009). Learning Lean: A Survey of Industry Lean Needs. Journal of Business Education. 84(4), 194-199

Van Til, R. , Sengupta, S. , Tracey, M. , Fliedner, G. (2009). Teaching Lean with an Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Approach. International Journal of Engineering Education. 25(1), 173-180

Fliedner, E. (2006). Collaborative Supply Chain Forecasting: A Lean Framework. Alliance Journal of Business Research. 2(1), 33-48

Fliedner, G. (2003). CPFR: An Emerging Supply Chain Tool. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 103(1), 14-21

Fliedner, G. (2003). CPFR: An Emerging Supply Chain Tool. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 14-21

Crumbley, D. L., Fliedner, E. (2002). Accounting Administrators' Perceptions of Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Information. Quality Assurance in Education. 10(4), 213-222

Fliedner, G. (2001). Hierarchical Forecasting: Issues and Use Guidelines. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 101(1), 5-12

Fliedner, G. (1999). An Investigation of Aggregate Variable Time Series Forecast Strategies with Specific Subaggregate Time series Statistical Correlation. Computers & Operations Research. 261133-1149

Vokurka, R. , Fliedner, G. (1998). The Journey Toward Agility. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 98(4), 165-171

Fliedner, G. , Vokurka, R. (1997). Agility: Competitive Weapon of the 1990's and Beyond?. Production And Inventory Management Journal. 38(3), 19-24

Fliedner, E. , Vokurka, R. (1997). Agility: The Next Competitive Weapon. APICS - The Performance Advantage. 7(1), 565-59

Olson, D. , Fliedner, E. , Currie, K. (1995). Comparison of the REMBRANDT System with Analytic Hierarchy Process. European Journal Of Operational Research. 82522-539

Fliedner, E. , Lawrence, B. (1995). Forecasting System Parent Group Formation: An Empirical Application of Cluster Analysis. Journal Of Operations Management. 12119-130

Vokurka, R. , Fliedner, E. (1995). Measuring Operating Performance: A Specific Case Study. Production And Inventory Management Journal. 36(1), 38-43

Fliedner, E. , Mabert, V. A.(1992). Constrained Forecasting: Some Implementation Guidelines. Decision Sciences (Journal of). 23(5), 1143-1161

Fliedner, E. , Flores, B. E.(1990). ISP: Interactive Statistical Programs. International Journal Of Forecasting. 6(573-575),

Fliedner, E. , Flores, B. , Mabert, V. (1986). Evaluating Adaptive Smoothing Models: Some Guidelines for Implementation. International Journal Of Production Research. 24(4), 955-970

Books and Chapters:

Fliedner, G. (2015). Leading and Managing Lean. (pp. 246). Business Expert Press.

Fliedner, E. (2011). Leading and Managing the Lean Management Process. (pp. 150). Business Expert Press.

Other Publications:

Fliedner, E. Wells, C. The Intersection Between Mindful and Lean Practices. (pp. 28). working paper.

Baur, R. Fliedner, G. (2023). Disposition of Unused Medical Supplies. (pp. 29). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.

Fliedner, E. (2022). Transformational Excellence: A Synthesis of Lean and Stress Management Intervention Research with Evidence-Based Actionable Guidelines. (pp. 86-111). Universal Journal of Operations and Management.

Fliedner, E. (2022). Transformational Excellence: A Review and Synthesis of Lean and Stress Management Intervention Research Literature. (pp. unknown). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.

Fliedner, G. Kaizen Culture: Its Meaning and Creation. (pp. 20). Other (not in list).

Fliedner, G. (2017). Current State and Future Needs Assessment of Lean Accounting. (pp. published). Decision Sciences Institute.

Fliedner, G. (2016). The Emergence of Lean Accounting. (pp. 159-171). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.

Fliedner, G. DeHondt, J. (2015). Lean Productivity Enhancements and Waste Elimination through Emerging Technology. (pp. 45-55). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.

Sheikh, A. Gorz, K. Yono, I. Fliedner, G. (2012). Hospital Sustainability: Barriers for the Use of Reusable Medical Supplies and Instruments Within the Operating Room. (pp. 156-166). Production and Operations Management Annual Conference.

Schroeder, R. Fliedner, G. (2008). Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases Instructor's Manual. (pp. all). McGraw-Hill.

Fliedner, E. (2005). A Multivariate Examination of Forecast Information Sharing Value. Decision Sciences (Journal of).

Van Til, R. Sengupta, S. Fliedner, G. Tracey, M. Yamada, K. (2005). Teaching Lean Manufacturing Principles Using an Interdisciplinary Project Featuring Industrial/Academic Cooperation. Frontiers in Education Conference.

Fliedner, G. (2002). Supply Chain Pull Forecasting. (pp. 78-80). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Fliedner, G. Kleiman, R. (2001). A Preliminary Analysis of the Financial Performance of Six Sigma Adopting Firms. (pp. 70-72). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Fliedner, G. (2001). Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment in the Retail Supply Chain. (pp. 340-342). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Fliedner, G. (2001). Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment. (pp. 17-19). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Crumbley, D. Fliedner, G. (1998). Accounting Administrators' Perceptions of Student Evaluation of Teaching Information. (pp. unknown). Southwest American Accounting Association Regional Conference, Southwest American Accounting Association Regional.

Fliedner, G. Vokurka, R. (1998). The Journey Towards Agility. (pp. unknown). Production and Operations Management Society 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings.

Fliedner, G. (1994). Simulation Analysis of Subaggregate Time Series Statistical Correlation for Aggregate Variable Time Series Forecast Strategies. (pp. 1343-1345). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.