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Mohinder Parkash

Title: Professor of Accounting
Office: 436 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-4288
Email: parkash@oakland.edu

University of Arizona, Ph.D. Accounting

Mohinder Parkash specializes in financial reporting standards and disclosure issues. Other interests include financial statement analysis and effects of accounting choices on it. Dr. Parkash has published in journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizon, Research in Accounting Regulation, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Teaching interests: 
Financial Accounting

Research interests: 
Auditors’ Independence, Financial Analysts' Forecasts, 

Best Paper Award in SSBF Virtual Research Conference “SymFin 2021”, Team SymFin 2021, July 2021

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2018

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2017

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2016

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2015

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2014

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2013

SBA Research Fellowship, SBA, 2013

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2012

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2011

Mendola Leadership Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2010

Mendola Research Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2009

Mendola Research Fellow, Mark Mendola, 2008

PricwaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accounting, Mark Mendola, 2007

SBA Research Fellowship, Spring/Summer, 1996

OU Spring-Summer Research Fellowship, 1993

Journals and Articles:

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2023). Auditor Choice and Nonaudit Fees: Evidence from Group-Affiliated Indian Firms. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 34(2), 23-36

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2022). The Impact of Loan Covenants on Audit Delays and Audit Fees. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 33(4), 39-51

Chaudhuri, M. , Chaudhuri, R. , Janney, J. , Parkash, M. (2021). Things often get worse before they get better: Using Contest Theory to explain the effect of informational risk around inclusion in S&P 500 on cost of capital. European Journal of Finance/ Taylor & Francis. 28(8), 00-00

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2020). Group-affiliated Firms and audit fees: Evidence from India. International Review of Business and Economics. 4(1), 33-56

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2018). Idiosyncratic Risk and Returns: The Case for a More Efficient Class of Estimators. International Review of Business and Economics. 2(1), 86-100

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. Auditor Choice, Audit, and Nonaudit Fees: Evidence from Group-Affiliated Indian Firms. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 42

Parkash, M. , Zhao, S. , Feng, Y. (2017). Accounting Conservatism and Auditor’s Mandatory Timely Interim Review: The Case of USA. Global Review of Accounting and Finance. 8(1), 10 - 26

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. (2017). Idiosyncratic Risk Matters: Evidence From India. Global Review of Accounting and Finance. 8(1), 104-114

Fu, L. , Singhal, R. , Parkash, M. (2016). Tobin's q Ratio and Firm Performance. International Research Journal of Applied Finance. 10

Murphy, J. A., Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M. (2012). Shorting Down Value. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 41

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2012). Audit and Nonaudit Fees from Different Reporting Regimes and Perceived Audit Quality. Indian Journal of Economics and Business. 11(1), 185-202

Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. , Zhu, Y. (2011). Impact of Professional Fees on Performance of Firms Undergoing Reorganization in Chapter 11. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 5(6), 731-743

Liu, M. , Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. (2010). Earnings Quality and Perceived Auditor Independence: Irrelevance of Nonaudit Services Time Period. Indian Journal of Economics and Business. 9(4), 751-767

Murphy, J. A., Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M. (2010). Shorting Down Value: The Toxic Effect of Insufficient Internal Liquidity. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 175-292

Murphy, J. A., Qian, H. , Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M. (2009). The Empirical Relationship Between Stock Prices and Long-Term Earnings. Journal of Investing. 12

Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. (2009). Going-concern Audit Opinions and the Provision of Nonaudit Services: Implications for Auditor Independence of Bankrupt Firms. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. 135-169

Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M. , Singhal, R. (2008). The Impact of the Multi-Jurisdiction Disclosure System on Audit Fees of Cross-Listed Canadian firms. International Journal of Accounting, The. 43(2), 99-113

Walia, S. , Maue, D. , Sahore, S. , Parkash, M. , Walia, S. (2005). Prevalence of Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Ready-to-Eat Bagged Salad. Meeting of Minds XIII Journal of Undergraduate Research. 7311-316

Dillon, G. , Parkash, M. , Pelfrey, S. (2004). Attributes of Accounting Graduates Desired by CPA and Corporate Recruiters. National Accounting Journal, The. 6(1), 19-27

Walia, S. , Kaiser, A. , Parkash, M. , Chaudhry, G. (2004). Self-transmissible antibiotic resistance to ampicillin streptomycin and tetracycline found in Escherichia coli isolates from contaminated drinking wat. Journal of Environmental Health & Science. 39(3), -

Parkash, M. , Salatka, W. (1998). The Relation Between Analysts' Forecast Dispersion with Business Risk, Financial Risk, and Information Availability. Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting. 8153-175

Parkash, M. (1996). An Empirical Investigation of the Transitory Component in Unexpected Earnings. Advances In Quantitative Analysis Of Finance And Accounting. 459-75

Gopalakrishnan, V. , Parkash, M. (1996). The Debt Equivalency of Recognized vs. Disclosed Obligations: An Examination of Borrower and Lender Perceptions. Research In Accounting Regulation. 1063-77

Parkash, M. , Dhaliwal, D. , Salatka, W. (1995). How Certain Firm Specific Characteristics Affect The Accuracy and Dispersion of Financial Analysts' Forecasts: a Latent Variables Approach. Journal Of Business Research. 34(3), 161-169

Parkash, M. (1995). The Differential Information Contents of Unexpected Permanent and Temporary Earnings. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. 22(5), 695-712

Gopalakrishnan, V. , Parkash, M. (1995). Borrower and Lender Perceptions of Accounting Information in Corporate Lending Agreements. Accounting Horizons. 9(1), 13-26

Parkash, M. , Venable, C. (1993). Auditee Incentives for Auditor Independence: The Case of Non-Audit Services. Accounting Review, The. 68(1), 113-134

Other Publications:

Cho, S. Parkash, M. International Evicdence for Audit Quality. (pp. n/a). N/A -- Not Applicable.

Callaghan, J. Parkash, M. Singhal, R. (2006). KNOWLEDGE SPILLOVERS OF AUDIT AND NONAUDIT SERVICES:. International Journal of Auditing.


Callaghan, J. Parkash, M. Singhal, R. (2006). 'Going Concern Audit Opinions and the Provision of Nonaudit Services: Implications for Auditor Independence of Bankrupt Firms. American Accounting Association National Meeting.

Parkash, M. (2005). EARNINGS QUALITY AND PERCEIVED AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE:. American Accounting Association National Meeting.

Callaghan, J. Parkash, M. Singhal, R. (2005). THE JOINT DETERMINATION OF AUDIT AND NONAUDIT FEES: THE CANADIAN EXPERIENCE. American Accounting Association National Meeting.


Dillon, G. Parkash, M. Pelfry, S. (2003). Attributes of Accounting Graduates Valued by Recruiters for Large CPA Firms. AAA Midwest Meeting.

Callaghan, J. Parkash, M. (2003). Impact and Implications of the Multi-Jurisdication Dual Listing System. International Business and Economic Research Conference, International Business and Economic Research Confe.

Dillon, G. Parkash, M. Pelfry, S. (2003). Attributes of Accounting Graduates Valued by Recruiters: Including a Comparison of Large Corporations and National CPA Firms Recruiters. Ohio Regional AAA meeting.

Gopalakrishnan, V. Parkash, M. (1995). The Debt Equivalency of Recognized vs. Disclosed Obligations Under Private and Public Lending Agreements. American Accounting Association meeting.

Gopalakrishnan, V. Parkash, M. (1993). Borrowers' and Lenders' Perceptions of Accounting Information in Corporate Lending Agreements. American Accounting Association meeting.

Parkash, M. (1993). The Differential Information Contents of Unexpected Permanent and Temporary Earnings. American Accounting Association Western Regional Meeting.

Parkash, M. Venable, C. (1991). An Empirical Investigation of the Transitory Component in Unexpected Earnings. American Accounting Association meeting.